When given appropriate permissions, each user has the ability to create and publish Items and Passages to a Work Space (e.g., My Work Space, School Work Space, District Work Space, PLC Work Space) or to a local School or District Item Bank that they have been given access to.  
These Items and Passages can then be used in Item Bank Assessments for online or paper administration. This article will review the process for creating an Item by any level user.
This feature is enabled by the District Administrator in the District Default settings. It applies to all items created in the Work Space. Some parts of the name are required, while other parts are optional and will vary per district.
- Select Create Item to go to the New Item setup screen.
- Item Name: This field is disabled with Auto Item Name Generation. The item name will be generated after the Subject, Use, Grades, and other required fields are entered and Generate Item Name (step 8) is selected.
- Subject: Select the subject (content area) from the drop down list.
- Use: Determine the use of the item from the drop down list.
- Grade(s): Select the grade(s) for which the item will be used.
- Course Group: Select a Course Group, if any have been created in the Group Manager, for which the item will be used.
- Course: Select the Course for which the item will be used.
- Generate Item Name: Select to generate item name. After the name is auto generated, optional fields appear for selections.
- Item Type: Select the desired item type. Note the administration option(s) next to each: O/P= Online and Paper, O= Online only, P= Paper only. (See below for a description of each type and instructions on how to complete the setup process.)
- Select an Alternative Item Grouping for the item to be used on the Integrated Performance (IP) Report. This allows items to be grouped in a customized way in addition to the item type itself. An option can be selected from the menu or new options can be created.
- Pilot Item: Slide No to Yes if you want to flag this item as a Pilot Item. A Pilot Item will be highlighted in pink in all areas. When used in an Item Bank assessment, Pilot Items will calculate statistics in the Item Analysis Report, but the item will not contribute to the total possible points on an assessment.
- Click on Create Item to go to the New Item setup screen.
- Item Name: Create a unique name that is specific to the subject, standard(s), grade, and/or connection to a passage.
- Item Type: Select the desired Item Type. Note the administration option(s) next to each  O/P= Online and Paper, O= Online only, P= Paper only. (See below for a description of each type and instructions on how to complete the setup process.)
- Pilot Item: Slide No to Yes if you want to flag this item as a Pilot Item. A Pilot Item will be highlighted in pink in all areas. When used in an Item Bank assessment, Pilot Items will calculate statistics in the Item Analysis Report, but the item will not contribute to the total possible points on an assessment.
- Subject: Select the subject (content area) from the drop down list.
- Grade(s): Select the grade(s) for which the item will be used.
- Course Group (optional): Select a Course Group, if any have been created in the Group Manager, for which the item will be used.
- Course (optional): Select the Course for which the item will be used.

- No Standards Selected or Not Aligned: Select one of these options to skip standards alignment.
- Select Standards from state standard sets:
- For ELA standards, select the desired strand, then grade. The standards will appear on the right. Check the open box next to the standards that align with the item. For Math and all other subjects, select the grade first, domain, and then standard(s).
- Tag Item (optional): Select a tag for the item for easier search capability in the Work Space.
- Previous/Save/Next: Click on Previous to return to the previous step, Save to save your work for later, or Next to move to the next step in the setup process.

- Administration Method: Determine how the item will be administered.
- Online Tools (optional): Select any online tools that students may use to answer this item.
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: Select the appropriate level or N/A.
- Depth of Knowledge: Select the appropriate level or N/A.
- Difficulty Level: Select the appropriate level or N/A/.
- Point Bi-Serial Number (optional): Measures reliability of item. Enter value if known, or leave blank.
- P-Value (optional): Calculated probability. Enter value if known, or leave blank.
- Properties: Declaration to appear with the item.
- Previous/Save/Next: Click on Previous to return to the previous step, Save to save your work for later, or Next to move to the next step in the setup process.
- Item Preview: Preview the item and determine if any edits or revisions need to be made.
- Item Properties: Preview the item properties and determine if any edits or revisions need to be made.
- Tag Item (optional): If not done previously, the item may be tagged here.
- Create Item: Create a new item from this window.
- Copy Item: Click here to make a copy of this item. The copy must be named first before editing and publishing it.
- Return to My Work Space: Click here to return to the Work Space where all items and passages are listed.
- Previous/Publish Item: Click on Previous to return to the previous step, or Publish Item if it is complete and ready to use.
- If Publish Item is selected, a message appears verifying that action. Select the desired Work Space where the item should be published, and then click on Publish.
- A second message confirming this action will appear. Click OK to continue.
Return to the Work Space to view the list of items and passages.
- Search filters: Use the search boxes to find specific items in the Work Space. Click on Find Matching Items to view results.
- Items and Passages tabs: Select Items to view the list of created items. Select Passages to view the list of created passages. (Please see the Help document, Item Bank: Creating Passages in the Work Space, for more details about passages.)
- Item Details: Item ID/Passage Title (Item linked to a Passage), Status (In Progress, Completed, Published), Type, Standards, Last Modified, and Functions (depend on status).
- Bulk Functions: Tag Item, Move (see below for more details about moving items between work spaces), Align Standards, Publish, Unpublish, Copy, Delete. Select one or more items by checking the open box in the far left column, then selecting the desired action.
Moving an Item/Passage from one Work Space to another Work Space: With permission, you may be able to work in a School, District, or PLC Work Space.
- Find your completed Item in the Work Space and check the open box next to the item/passage name.
- Select Move.
- Select the desired location and click Move. The available Work Space options will depend on what create/edit permission you have.
- A message confirming this action will appear. Click OK to continue.
- To Publish the item/passage, find the item/passage in the selected Work Space. Check the open box next to the Item or Passage Name.
- Select Publish.
- Or, click on the down arrow in the Functions column and select Publish.  
Please note that moving items from a PLC workspace to another workspace will be restricted by all rules that exist for item movement. For example, passages must be moved with items; items that reside in a family cannot be moved
You can make edits to an item when it is Published and when it is in the Completed (Unpublished) state.  
- Find the Item in the Work Space, then click on the drop down arrow in the Functions column. Select Edit.
- Select Edit Type: You can replace the existing version of the item or create a new version.
- Make edits as needed, and follow the steps to publishing the Item in the correct Work Space, as outlined above.