This article is an overview of the item types that can be created in the Item Bank module. Certain item types allow both online and paper administrations, while others are limited to online only. Additionally, there may be item types that are specific to vendors' item banks and can therefore not be authored in SC.
Where to Start
From the Item Info screen, select the Item Type from the dropdown menu.
(CT) Charting |
Requires students to interact with a histogram, bar chart, line chart, or dot/line chart according to given information. Answers are scored by the system. Relative scoring available. |
(CR) Constructed Response |
Requires a written or drawn response from the student. Scored with a rubric. These items are manually scored if the assessment is administered online. If the assessment is administered on paper with a scanable answer sheet, responses are scored manually. The scores are then entered on the answer sheet in the space provided before scanning or using GradeCam™. |
(EBSR) Evidence Based Selected Response |
Requires students to answer a two-part question in which Part B provides text evidence for the answer in Part A. Part A and B can be a combination of Multiple Choice and Multiple Response items. Answers are automatically scored by the system. No partial credit. The Administration Method for EBSR items that contain media files or require a student to execute an onscreen action will be restricted to ONLINE ONLY. |
(XCR) Explicit Constructed Response |
Requires students to type an exact response which is then scored by the system. Answers must match the provided response exactly to be counted as correct. The Administration Method for XCR items that contain media files or require a student to execute an onscreen action will be restricted to ONLINE ONLY. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(GM) Gap Match |
Requires students to drag and drop words, phrases, or numbers into or next to the correct answer box(es). Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(GGM) Graphic Gap Match | Requires students to drag and drop images into or next to the correct answer box(es). Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(GF) Graphing Functions |
Requires students to plot the correct object on a graph, in the correct location, according to given information. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. | ONLINE ONLY |
(GL) Graphing Lines |
Requires students to draw line segments on a graph according to given information. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. |
(GP) Graphing Points |
Requires students to plot points on a graph according to given information. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. |
(GSS) Graphing Solution Set |
Requires students to draw lines on a graph and select the correct area that represents the solution set according to given information. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. | ONLINE ONLY |
(HS) Hot Spot |
Requires students to select the correct answer(s) by selecting on one or more “hot spots” or images. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. |
(HT) Hot Text |
Requires students to select the correct words, phrases, sentences, or numbers within a given text to answer the question. Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(IC) Inline Choice |
Requires students to select the correct response from one or more dropdown menus within the question. Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(MT) Matching Table | Requires students to classify a series of prompts, which may include text, images, numerals, and/or equations, into one or more categories. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. |
(MB) Multiple Binary |
Requires students to determine whether each answer choice is Yes/No, True/False, or Correct/Incorrect. Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(MC) Multiple Choice |
Requires students to select one correct answer from several answer choices. Answers are scored by the system. |
(MP) Multi-Part | Allows for a minimum of 2 and up to 10 parts that can use a variety of question types. All question types, except for Evidence-Based Selected Reasoning (EBSR), are eligible to be used within MP items. MP items can include a mix of hand and auto-scored parts and are available for online and paper administration. The Points value for each individual part will be summed in the Total Possible Points field for the entire item. Scoring events are not supported for MP items. Refer to each item type within this table for additional details on that part. |
(MR) Multiple Response |
Requires students to select two or more correct answers from several answer choices. Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(NL) Number Line | Requires students to plot one or more correct answers on a Number Line. Answers are scored by the system. No partial credit. | ONLINE ONLY |
(NR) Numerical Response |
Requires students to type the answer to a numeric problem on a number keypad for an online test. On a paper test, students complete a griddable template. Answers are scored by the system. |
(OI) Order Items |
Requires students to drag and drop answer choices into the correct order. Answers are scored by the system. Full or partial credit may be determined. |
(WP) Writing Prompt |
Requires students to provide a written response to a writing prompt in the Student Portal. This item type is similar to the Constructed Response, but allows for scoring to be done using a rubric with multiple objectives (1-20). This type is scored by the teacher by using the Score Online process. |
Item Types
Complete the setup for each Item Type as prompted. An example of each type is shown.
1. General Item Settings and Configure Chart
Charting (Administer Online Only)
This item type provides various types of interactive charts. Depending upon how an item is configured, students can change the heights of bars (or other similar chart elements) created by the author, relabel bars created by the author, and/or add new bars, label them, and set their heights. No partial credit available.
- Choose one or more passages by selecting Link Passage. (Optional)
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Use the slider to determine if this item should Include Teacher Instructions (optional).
- If the slider is set to Yes, enter teacher instructions into the text box.
- Select the desired Scoring Model.
- All or Nothing: Points are only awarded for the item when all answers are correct. Enter the amount of Total Possible Points into the text box.
- Relative: Points are awarded relative to the number of correct answers. Enter the amount of Relative Points Awarded for each chart category formatted correctly. The Total Possible Points field automatically updates according to the highest relative points value.
- Enter the Question in the text box.
- Use the dropdown menu to select the Chart Type.
The Histogram chart type is visually styled as a histogram; however, it does not offer typical “histogram” features. The labels for the bars are just text, which the system does not understand as representing numeric ranges or “buckets”. Therefore, if the “buckets” are uneven (e.g., if the last bucket were 21-50 instead of 21-30), the width of the bars will not be adjusted accordingly. It is therefore recommended that the Histogram chart type only be used with equal-width “buckets.”
Bar Chart, Line Chart, Line Chart x
The Bar Chart, Line Chart ⬤, and Line Chart X charts use an explicit numerical scale determined by the item author.
Dot/Line Plots
The Dot/Line charts numeric scales are implicit:
- Dot/Line Plot ⬤ - each "⬤" represents a single object.
- Dot/Line Plot X - each "X" represents a single object.
- Set Maximum Value - For bar charts, line charts, and histograms, this can be as high as 10,000, or as low as 0.05. For dot/line plots, it must be between 3 and 10.
- Set Grid Interval and Label Interval (for bar charts, line charts, and histograms; not applicable for dot/line plots):
- Grid interval - The distance, in chart units, between grid lines. All category values can only be changed at this increment. For instance, if the grid interval is 0.5, then a category could be set to 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, etc., but not to 0.7 or 0.25. The valid range of values for grid interval will be constrained based on the other settings, particularly Max Value, and a default value will be set accordingly. For instance, at the default chart height of 480px, with a maximum value of 10, the grid interval could be 2, 1, 0.5, or 0.25. It is usually best not to use the very smallest value that the system will allow, as that will result in very closely spaced gridlines, which makes precise plotting tricky.
- Label interval - The distance, in chart units, between grid line numeric labels. Often it will be the same as the grid interval, but when gridlines are closely spaced, labeling every gridline may make the labels illegible. The valid range of values for label interval will be constrained based on other settings. For instance, at the default chart height of 480px, with a maximum value of 10 and a grid interval of 0.5, the label interval will be constrained to 0.5, 1, or 2.
- Set Dimensions (Optional) - Chart dimensions default to 480x480 pixels. It is generally best to initially leave these values as they are, and make adjustments as needed. For instance, if the graph has a lot of categories, or if the category names are long, users can increase the width to accommodate them. Users can likewise increase the height to accommodate a higher max value or smaller grid interval, or to increase spacing between grid lines. Conversely, once finished creating the chart, if it needs less vertical or horizontal space than it is using, the height and width can be reduced accordingly. Pixel scales are provided above and to the right of the chart to aid in the selection of appropriate numeric values. These are only shown in authoring, not when an item is delivered to students.
- Select Add Category to create chart categories. Each category will initially display the label “Category;” users will need to select and type over that to update the label.
- Set Chart Title (Optional) - Select Click here to add a title to enter a title for the chart.
- Set Default Category Values (Optional) - All new categories default to an initial value of 0; whatever values are set here are what students will see when the item is initially opened. To set a value other than 0, select the red bar or dot and slide to the new value.
Set Axis Labels (Optional) - Select Click here to add a label for this axis to enter a label for the horizontal or vertical axis.
- For example, if the categories are “January”, “February”, and “March”, the axis label might be “Month.”
- Use the trashcan icon to delete unwanted categories, if necessary.
- Depending on the type of chart selected, select either the slider or dot and drag to the correct value.
- The bar or line will deepen in shade when being edited.
- A student's response will only be recognized as correct if every category precisely matches the correct answer defined here. The correct response cannot be identical to the initial chart configuration, although it is okay for some categories to have the same initial value and correct value. (E.g. one bar could be pre-set to the correct value as a model; if most or all bars have the initial value 0, it is okay for that to also be the correct value for some of them.)
Constructed Response: (Administer online or on paper)
Students write, type, or draw a response in the text box that is scored with a rubric. Online CR items are scored using the Score Online process.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions. If Yes is selected, add Teacher instructions into the provide space.
- Select the Number of Questions. This allows for multiple questions to be asked within the CR question and scored as a single question.
- Question: Type the question in the text box, or use the Copy/Paste options to import text. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools. Please see the Help document Item Bank: CKEditor Formatting Tools for Teachers for more details.
- Include Character Limit: Slide No to Yes. Select Characters Remaining or Characters Used. Characters Remaining counts down the remaining characters from the limit. Characters Used counts up to the limit. Enter a positive whole number greater than 0 for the character limit.
- Answer Option - Text and Drawing Tool: When the drawing option is enabled for CR items, students can draw their answer while taking the assessment in the Student Portal. Users can opt to include both Text and the Drawing Tool for students to enter their answer, or only one of these options. Please see the Help document, Drawing Tool for Students, for more information on the drawing tool, and CKEditor Formatting Tools for Students for more information about the text tool.
- Sample Response (optional): Include a sample response, if desired. Type directly in the text box, or use the Copy/Paste options to import text.
- Total Rubric Points: Enter the maximum points possible on the scoring rubric. Rubric Score Multiplier: The value entered will be used to determine the Total Possible Points by multiplying the Total Rubric Points by the Rubric Score Multiplier. The Rubric Score Multiplier will default to 1. Total Possible Points: Total Possible Points will be determined based on the Total Rubric Points multiplied by the Rubric Score Multiplier.
- Include Rubric: Slide No to Yes to include an existing rubric. Upload a PDF of a Teacher and/or Student rubric by clicking on the folder icon. The Teacher Rubric is to view while scoring the item. Students may view the Student Rubric while taking the assessment online in the Student Portal.
- Select Save to save the item or select Next to save and continue to the next step.
Evidence-Based Selected Response: (Administer online only)
Students select answers to a 2-part question. Part A and B can be a combination of Multiple Choice or Multiple Response. No partial credit available.
- Select Item Type: Once EBSR is selected as the Item Type, select either MC or MR for both Part A and Part B of the question.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Question: Enter the question in the text box. Repeat for Part B.
- Number of Choices (2 to 9), Types of Choices (letters or numbers): Select the number of choices and types of choices. Repeat for Part B.
- Include Rationale (optional): Slide No to Yes, and a Rationale column will appear next to each answer choice. A rationale for each answer choice must be entered in the text box in order to save the work.
- Select Correct Answer: After completing the answer choices, click on the circle(s) in the Answer Choice Column to indicate the correct answer. Leave all other answer choices blank. Use the trashcan icon to delete an answer choice. Repeat for Part B.
- Add Choice: Add an answer choice.
Explicit Constructed Response: (Administer online only)
Students enter an exact answer to a question. Partial credit may be given.
- Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Slide No to Yes to Include Teacher Instructions (optional).
- Type the assessment Question in the text box.
- Using the XCR button in the CKEditor, insert the answer option(s).
- Enter the maximum Total Possible Points students may earn on this item. Partial Credit may also be enabled.
- Select Update Options to generate answer options.
- Group Student Response: Available for each XCR Option. Slide No to Yes in order to have a correct set of responses and incorrect set(s) of responses. Incorrect student responses can be specified and grouped together. Include Rationale: Slide No to Yes to have a rationale text box for the correct group of responses, and one for each incorrect response group.
- Select the Response Entry Text to be Plain Text, Equation Editor, or Special Character as appropriate for the question.
- Add Student Response: Click here to add other acceptable answers. If Group Student Response is enabled for the XCR Option, additional student responses can also be added for the incorrect set(s) of responses.
- Select Preview to view how the item will display in the Student Portal with correct answer.
Gap Match: (Administer online only)
Students click and drag answer choices into or next to the correct response box. Partial credit may be given.
- Choose one or more passages by selecting Link Passage, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Slide No to Yes to Include Teacher Instructions (optional).
- Type the Question in the text box.
- Use the CKEditor will appear with “GM” and “Clear GM.” Place your cursor in the position you wish to have the gap match space within the text. You do not need to add extra spaces or blank lines. You may have more than one GM option. Click on Clear IC to delete.
Partial Credit (Optional):
- Partial Credit: Choose if students should receive points for choosing one or all correct answers and possibly minus points if they choose an incorrect answer. Enter the point value in the Points column to the right of the answer choice in Step 9.
- Relative Scoring: Choose if students should receive credit for how many total correct answers are selected. Enter points values relative to the number of correct answers selected in the item in Step 13.
- Enter the maximum Total Possible Points students may earn on this item. Partial Credit may be enabled.
- Select if the Choice Text Entry should be Plain Text, Special Characters, or an Equation Editor.
- Use the radio buttons to determine Gap Size:
- Determines if the gaps that students drag a token to is small or large.
- The small size is best suited for use within sentences.
- The large size is best suited for use within tables.
- Select Update Gaps and Choices to create the gaps.
- Complete the table: Gap #, Gap (from Question), Choice (list answer choices in random order), Choice Usage (Once or Multiple), Answer for Gap # (select the correct answer). Use the trash can icon to delete a choice.
- Select Add Choice to add another gap choice if needed.
- Select Preview to view how the item will display in the Student Portal.
- Relative Scoring (Table will only appear if the the checkbox was selected in Step 5): Enter the amount of points awarded for the number of correct answers selected.
Graphic Gap Match (Administer online only)
Students click and drag images into or next to the response box, table, chart, or other graphic. Partial credit may be given.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Question: Enter the question students will read.
- Graphic Gap Match Example: Click on the eye icon to view a GGM example.
Partial Credit (Optional):
- Partial Credit: Choose if students should receive points for choosing one or all correct answers and possibly minus points if they choose an incorrect answer. Enter the point value in the Points column to the right of the answer choice in Step 10.
- Relative Scoring: Choose if students should receive credit for how many total correct answers are selected. Enter points values relative to the number of correct answers selected in the item.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Upload Graphic Gap Match Image: Click here to upload the box, chart, or other graphic where students will drag and drop their answer choices.
- Choose File: Click to choose the correct file. Note the acceptable file types - .GIF, .PNG, .JPEG.
- Upload: Click to upload graphic.
- Create Gap: Click inside the image to create the gap(s) where students will drag and drop answer choices. The GGM Gap # chart below will automatically populate.
Add an answer choice image or equation: Select the image icon to choose a file and upload. Select the trash can icon to delete an image. Select the equation editor icon to enter an equation answer choice.
Choice Usage: Select Once or Multiple, meaning the answer choice can be used only once or multiple times. - Answer for GGM Gap #: Select the Gap # for which the image is the correct answer.
- Add Choice: Click to add another answer choice.
- Preview: View how the item will display in the Student Portal.
- Exit Item Preview: Click here to close the window and continue.
Graphing Functions (Administer online only)
Students plot objects on a graph using information in the problem. No partial credit available.
- Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select. [Note: Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.]
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table, as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
Grid Configuration
Grid Configurations act as a starting point in creating the desired graph question. Once a Grid Configuration is chosen, the quadrants, axes, labels, and intervals can still be altered manually.
Grid Configuration: The first chart, under Define Graph Attributes, displays what the question will look like initially to the student when they view the item in an assessment. Select the desired chart layout from the Grid Configuration dropdown. The chart will update in real time.
- 4-quadrant coordinate grid, -10 to 10: Default layout. Displays all four quadrants, with x- and y-axis values ranging from -10 to 10, and an interval of 1.
- 0 to 10 on both axes: Displays the first quadrant, with x- and y-axis values ranging from 0 to 10, and an interval of 1.
- 0 to 20 on both axes: Displays the first quadrant, with x- and y-axis values ranging from 0 to 20, and an interval of 1.
- Sample Data Graph: Displays the first quadrant, with a Time axis ranging from 0 to 30 with a label interval of 2, and a Distance axis ranging from 0 to 80 with a label interval of 10.
- No Visible Axes: Displays a grid with no axes and no interval labels.
Grid Setup and Settings
- Customize Grid Setup: Select Customize Grid Setup to expand the customization settings. The menu will display differently depending on the selected Grid Configuration. The Define Graph Attributes chart will update in real time in response to customization changes.
- Include axes and labels?: Toggle on to include axis lines and accompanying interval labels. Toggle off for an unlabeled grid.
- Constrain to standard coordinate grid?: Toggle on to synchronize the grid axes; changes made to the Min and Max Values and the Grid and Label Intervals for either axis will automatically apply to the other axis. Toggle off to desynchronize the axes, allowing different Min and Max Values and Intervals for each axis.
Axis Min and Max Values: Enter the desired minimum and maximum values for the grid axes by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field.
- For the axes to be visible, the Min Value must be set to zero or a negative number, and the Max Value must be set to a positive number.
- Min and Max Values allow for decimals, but are functionally constrained by the Interval limitations, which include divisors of 1 up to three decimal places, e.g., 0.1, 0.125, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5.
- The Grid and Label Intervals will automatically change to match the scale of the axis values, but can still be manually altered.
- The Min Value is capped at -10,000, and the Max Value is capped at 10,000.
- Axis Labels: Type the desired axis labels. The axes are default labeled as x and y.
Grid and Label Intervals: Enter the desired Grid and Label Intervals by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field.
- The Label Intervals will automatically update to match the Grid Intervals, but can still be manually altered.
- The plus and minus symbols will add or subtract to the Intervals differently depending on the set Min and Max Values.
- The allowed Intervals are dependent on the set Min and Max Values. Given a Min and Max Value of -10,000 and 10,000, respectively, the maximum Grid Interval is 1,000, and the maximum Label Interval is 5,000. Given a Min and Max Value of -0.1 and 0.1, respectively, the minimum Grid Interval is 0.01.
- The minimum allowed Label Interval is equal to the set Grid Interval. The maximum allowed Label Interval is dependent on the set Min and Max Values and the Grid Interval. It is generally a multiple of the Grid Interval, and not so large that it exceeds the bounds of the set graph.
- For unnumbered gridlines, set the Label Intervals to 0.
- Dimensions(px): Enter the desired width and height of the graph in pixels by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field. The minimum allowed size is 150 pixels, and the maximum is 800 pixels.
- Include Arrows: Select the desired checkboxes to include or exclude arrows on axes.
- Graph Title: Toggle on or off to include or exclude an overall graph title.
- Graph Labels: Toggle on or off to include or exclude top, right, left, and bottom graph labels.
- Coordinates on Hover: Toggle on to enable the display of coordinates to students when hovering over a plotted point.
Graph Attributes
Add Background Shapes to Graph (optional): Select Add Background Shapes to Graph to open the dropdown menu. Select an object to add to the graph, and plot the relevant points onto the grid.
- Select Undo to revert the last change made.
- Select Redo to reapply the last undone change.
- Select Reset to clear the grid of all added objects and labels.
- Select Label and select any point or line of an object on the grid to add accompanying text.
- Background shapes added to the graph under Define Graph Attributes will display as static objects that students will see upon viewing the item. Added objects will also appear on the Correct Answer graph in grayscale, displaying a preview of the graph students will see. Background shapes cannot be altered by students.
- Add Graph Title (optional): Type a graph title into the text field. If untitled, this space will be blank in the student view.
- Add Graph Labels (optional): Type labels into the top, right, left, and/or bottom text fields. If unlabeled, these spaces will be blank in the student view.
Graph Objects
All objects, excluding the Point, require at least two points to be plotted on the graph before the object will appear. Once plotted, any point within an object can be relocated by selecting and dragging the point to the desired location.
- Circle: Select Circle and select coordinates on the graph to plot the Center Point. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot a point (Point A) on the circumference of the circle, determining the radius.
- Line: Select Line and select coordinates on the graph to plot the first point (Point B). Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the second point (Point C) on the line, determining the slope.
- Parabola: Select Parabola and select coordinates on the graph to place the Vertex. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot an included point (Point D) in the Parabola function.
- Point: Select Point and select coordinates on the graph to plot the point (Point E).
- Polygon: Select Polygon and select coordinates on the graph to plot the first vertex of the polygon (Point F). Plot each consecutive vertex to outline the shape, finishing with the original point (Point F). Once enclosed, the polygon will shade in.
- Ray: Select Ray and select coordinates on the graph to plot the endpoint (Point G). Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the second point (Point H) on the ray, determining the slope.
- Segment: Select Segment and select coordinates on the graph to plot one endpoint (Point J). Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the second endpoint (Point K), determining the slope.
- Sine: Select Sine and select coordinates on the graph to plot a point (Point L) determining where the midline of the Sine function will fall. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot a point (Point M) determining the amplitude of the Sine function.
- Vector: Select Vector and select coordinates on the graph to plot the beginning point of the vector (Point N). Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the vector arrow, determining the magnitude and direction of the vector.
- Absolute Value: Select Absolute Value and select coordinates on the graph to plot the Vertex. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot an included point (Point O) in the Absolute Value function.
- Exponential: Select Exponential and select coordinates on the graph to plot one included point (Point P) in the Exponential function. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot a second included point (Point Q) in the Exponential function.
Correct Answer
- Default Graphing Tool: Select the desired graphing tool from the dropdown that will be default selected when students initially view the item.
- Graphing Tools: Select the graphing tools to include as options for students to use while plotting their answer, and deselect graphing tools to hide them from view. Selected tools will be highlighted with a gray box, and deselected tools will have no highlight, and will be removed from the options on the Correct Answer graph.
Correct Answer: Plot the correct answer to the question on the graph under Correct Answer.
- Select Undo to revert the last change made.
- Select Redo to reapply the last undone change.
- Select Reset to clear the grid of all added objects and labels.
- Select Label and select any point or line of an object on the grid to add accompanying text.
- Background shapes added to the graph under Define Graph Attributes will display as static objects in grayscale on the Correct Answer graph, displaying a preview of the graph students will see. Background shapes cannot be altered by students.
- Add Alternate (optional): If there is more than one possible correct answer to the question, select Add Alternate. Another graph will populate; plot the alternate correct answer to the question. Continue to add alternate correct answers as necessary.
The automatic scoring system will count a student response as correct if the object plotted is the same shape and in the same location as the Correct Answer. This means that students will be counted as correct even if they plot different points, as long as the shape and location of the object is the same, without requiring Alternate Correct Answers to be made.
Graphing Solution Set (Administer online only)
Students plot lines on a graph and select the correct area that represents the solution set using information in the problem. No partial credit available.
- Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select. [Note: Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.]
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Question: Type the question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table, as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
Grid Configuration
Grid Configurations act as a starting point in creating the desired graph question. Once a Grid Configuration is chosen, the quadrants, axes, labels, and intervals can still be altered manually.
Grid Configuration: The first chart, under Define Graph Attributes, displays what the question will look like initially to the student when they view the item in an assessment. Select the desired chart layout from the Grid Configuration dropdown. The chart will update in real time.
- 4-quadrant coordinate grid, -10 to 10: Default layout. Displays all four quadrants, with x- and y-axis values ranging from -10 to 10, and an interval of 1.
- 0 to 10 on both axes: Displays the first quadrant, with x- and y-axis values ranging from 0 to 10, and an interval of 1.
- 0 to 20 on both axes: Displays the first quadrant, with x- and y-axis values ranging from 0 to 20, and an interval of 1.
- Sample Data Graph: Displays the first quadrant, with a Time axis ranging from 0 to 30 with a label interval of 2, and a Distance axis ranging from 0 to 80 with a label interval of 10.
Grid Setup and Settings
- Customize Grid Setup: Select Customize Grid Setup to expand the customization settings. The menu will display differently depending on the selected Grid Configuration. The Define Graph Attributes chart will update in real time in response to customization changes.
- Constrain to standard coordinate grid?: Toggle on to synchronize the grid axes; changes made to the Min and Max Values and the Grid and Label Intervals for either axis will automatically apply to the other axis. Toggle off to desynchronize the axes, allowing different Min and Max Values and Intervals for each axis.
Axis Min and Max Values: Enter the desired minimum and maximum values for the grid axes by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field.
- For the axes to be visible, the Min Value must be set to zero or a negative number, and the Max Value must be set to a positive number.
- Min and Max Values allow for decimals, but are functionally constrained by the Interval limitations, which include divisors of 1 up to three decimal places, e.g., 0.1, 0.125, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5.
- The Grid and Label Intervals will automatically change to match the scale of the axis values, but can still be manually altered.
- The Min Value is capped at -10,000, and the Max Value is capped at 10,000.
- Axis Labels: Type the desired axis labels. The axes are default labeled as x and y.
Grid and Label Intervals: Enter the desired Grid and Label Intervals by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field.
- The Label Intervals will automatically update to match the Grid Intervals, but can still be manually altered.
- The plus and minus symbols will add or subtract to the Intervals differently depending on the set Min and Max Values.
- The allowed Intervals are dependent on the set Min and Max Values. Given a Min and Max Value of -10,000 and 10,000, respectively, the maximum Grid Interval is 1,000, and the maximum Label Interval is 5,000. Given a Min and Max Value of -0.1 and 0.1, respectively, the minimum Grid Interval is 0.01.
- The minimum allowed Label Interval is equal to the set Grid Interval. The maximum allowed Label Interval is dependent on the set Min and Max Values and the Grid Interval. It is generally a multiple of the Grid Interval, and not so large that it exceeds the bounds of the set graph.
- Dimensions(px): Enter the desired width and height of the graph in pixels by using the plus and minus symbols, or by typing in the field. The minimum allowed size is 150 pixels, and the maximum is 800 pixels.
- Include Arrows: Select the desired checkboxes to include or exclude arrows on axes.
- Graph Title: Toggle on or off to include or exclude an overall graph title.
- Graph Labels: Toggle on or off to include or exclude top, right, left, and bottom graph labels.
- Coordinates on Hover: Toggle on to enable the display of coordinates to students when hovering over a plotted point.
Graph Attributes
- Add Graph Title (optional): Type a graph title into the text field. If untitled, this space will be blank in the student view.
- Add Graph Labels (optional): Type labels into the top, right, left, and/or bottom text fields. If unlabeled, these spaces will be blank in the student view.
Define Line Type(s) and Correct Response
- Choose Number of Lines: Select the desired number of lines that students will be able to draw, either one or two lines.
- Draw Line A: The Line A radio button is automatically selected. Select if the line should be Solid or Dashed. Select coordinates on the graph to plot the first point. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the second point on the line, determining the slope.
- Draw Line B (optional): If allowing students to draw two lines, select the Line B radio button to switch from Line A to Line B. Select if the line should be Solid or Dashed. Select coordinates on the graph to plot the first point. Select a second pair of coordinates to plot the second point on the line, determining the slope.
Once plotted, any point can be relocated by selecting and dragging the point to the desired location.
- Solution Set: Select the Solution Set radio button to switch from plotting lines to selecting the Solution Set. Select the desired section created by the plotted line or lines; the selected section will highlight.
- Reset: Select Reset to clear the graph of all plotted lines and selected solution set. A warning message will pop up; select OK to confirm, or Cancel to keep the current settings.
Plotted points for Line A and Line B can be altered at any time. However, if the Solution Set has been selected, selecting a line radio button will prompt a popup message noting that the Solution Set will be cleared. Select Clear Solution Set to continue and alter the lines; select Cancel to retain the current lines and Solution Set.
The automatic scoring system will count a student response as correct if the line(s) and solution set are in the same location as the Correct Response. This means that students will be counted as correct, even if they plot different points or plot the lines in reversed order.
Graphing Lines: (Administer online only)
Students draw a maximum of 9 line segments on a graph using information in the problem. No partial credit available.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Number of Choices (1-9): Determine the number of lines the students will draw on the graph.
- Define the Parameters of the Graph: Complete all fields to build the desired graph.
- Line Choices, Start Point Coordinates, and End Point Coordinates: Enter the desired information.
- Add Choice: Add an answer choice.
Graphing Points: (Administer online only)
Students plot a maximum of 9 points on a graph using information in the problem. No partial credit available.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions: (optional) Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Number of Choices (1-9): Determine the number of points the students will plot on the graph.
- Define the Parameters of the Graph: Complete all fields to build the desired graph.
- Answer Choices and Answers: Enter the correct answers.
- Add Choice: Add an answer choice.
Hot Spot: (Administer online only)
Students select one or more hot spots on the image to answer the question. When students click on the hot spots, their selections are shown with a light green background in the Student Portal. No partial credit available.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Hot Spot Example: Click on the eye icon to view an example of a HS item.
- Question: Enter the question in the text box.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Upload Hot Spot Image: Click to upload an image from your desk top. A new window will open that will allow you to upload the appropriate image (.GIF, .PNG, or .JPEG format), then click on Upload. You may change or update your image by clicking on “Update Hot Spot Image” again.
- Tools: Use the tools to select where the hot spots would be. You can use a circle, a rectangle or a free form to select your hot spot area. Use the Icon that looks like a cross to change or move your hot spot selection. Use the green check mark to select a correct answer. Use the red x to mark an incorrect answer.
- Preview: View how the item will display in the Student Portal with correct answers.
- Exit Item Preview: Click here to close the window and continue.
Hot Text: (Administer online only)
Students select underlined words, phrases, or sentences within a given text to answer the question. Partial credit may be given.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Hot Text Identifiers: Hover over the i icon to view instructions.
- Hot Text Example: Click on the eye icon to view a HT example.
- Question: Type the question using the HT button in the CKEditor to insert the answer choice where it should be in the text. Use Clear HT to delete.
- Update Identifiers: Click here to show answer choices. The answer choices show in yellow highlighting in the question.
- Total Points Possible: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item. Partial Credit may also be enabled.
- Select correct answer: Click on the radio button next to the correct answer.
- Relative Scoring (Table will only appear if the the checkbox was selected in Step 5): Enter the amount of points awarded for the number of correct answers selected.
Inline Choice (Administer online or on paper)
Students select the correct response from one or more dropdown menus within the question. Partial credit may be given.
- Choose one or more passages by selecting Link Passage, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Slide No to Yes to Include Teacher Instructions (optional).
- Type the Question in the text box.
- The CKEditor will appear with “IC” and “Clear IC.” Place your cursor in the position you wish to have the inline choice within the text. You do not need to add extra spaces or blank lines. The program will do this automatically for you when you select “IC.” You may have more than one IC option. Select Clear IC to delete.
Partial Credit (Optional):
- Partial Credit: Choose if students should receive points for choosing one or all correct answers and possibly minus points if they choose an incorrect answer. Enter the point value in the Points column to the right of the answer choice in Step 10.
- Relative Scoring: Choose if students should receive credit for how many total correct answers are selected. Enter point values relative to the number of correct answers selected in the item in Step 12.
- Enter the maximum Total Possible Points students may earn on this item. Partial Credit may also be enabled.
- Select numbers or letters from the Type of Choices dropdown.
- Select Update Inline Choices to show the inline choice boxes and enter possible answers. By default, two options will appear.
- Select Add Option to add additional answer choice options. Select the trash can to remove an option.
- Click on the radio button next to the correct answer.
- Select Preview to view how the item will display in the Student Portal.
- Relative Scoring (Table will only appear if the the checkbox was selected in Step 5): Enter the amount of points awarded for the number of correct answers selected.
Matching Table (Administer online only)
Students classify a series of prompts, which may include text, images, numerals, and/or equations, into one or more categories. No partial credit available.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Layout: Select the number of desired columns to include in the table, with a minimum of three columns, up to 10 total columns.
- Response Type: Select Radio - One Answer for prompts with a single answer or Checkbox - Multiple Answers for prompts with multiple answers.
- Enter Column Labels: Type text labels for each column, or remove placeholder text for unlabeled columns.
- Question Text: Type prompts into the Question Text fields included in each row under the first column. May also include images and equations.
- Add Another Row: Add further rows to include in the table, with a minimum of two questions, up to 10 questions. Rows can be reorganized by selecting the dash lines at the top left of each row and dragging and dropping in the desired location. Rows can be deleted by selecting the trashcan icon to the right of each row.
- Select Correct Answer: Select the radio button or checkboxes in each row to indicate the correct answer.
- Rationale (optional): Enter rationale for the table as desired.
Multiple Binary: (Administer online or on paper)
Students determine if answer choices are either True/False, Yes/No, or Correct/Incorrect. Partial credit may be given.
- Slide No to Yes to Include Teacher Instructions (optional).
- Type the Question in the text box. Use the CKE Editor to add any needed formatting.
- Enter the maximum Total Possible Points students may earn on this item. Partial Credit may also be enabled.
- Enter a Sample Response as needed.
- Update the following settings as needed:
- # of Choices may be between 2-6.
- Types of Choices include True / False, Yes / No, and Correct / Incorrect. Choices are also available in French and Spanish.
- Optional Choices may be selected as letters or numbers.
- Select Lock Choices Order to prevent choices from being randomized in online testing.
- Slide No to Yes, to Include Rationale and will appear next to each answer choice. A rationale for each answer choice must be entered in the text box in order to save the work (optional).
- Select the Correct Answer under the Answer Choices column for each answer.
- Select Add Choice to add additional answers.
Multiple Choice: (Administer online or on paper)
Students choose one correct answer from several answer choices.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes and enter instructions in the text box.
- Question: Type the question in the text box, or use the Copy/Paste options to import text. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools. Please see the help document Item Bank: CKEditor Formatting Tools for Teachers for more details.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Select Number of Choices (2 to 9), Types of Choices (letters - beginning with A or F, numbers - beginning with 1), Answer Choice Format (Horizontal, Vertical, Stacked Horizontal, Stacked Vertical) and Lock Choices Order (Slide No to Yes to prevent the answer choices from being randomized during online testing).
- Include Rationale (optional): Slide No to Yes, and a Rationale column will appear next to each answer choice. A rationale for each answer choice must be entered in the text box in order to save the work.
- Select Correct Answer: Click on the circle in the Answer Choice Column to indicate the correct answer. Leave all other answer choices blank.
- Delete Choice: Click on the trash can icon to delete an answer choice.
- Add Choice: Click here to add an answer choice.
- Include Answer Hint (Multiple Choice only): Slide No to Yes to add a hint. Write the hint in the text box. When this property is enabled for online testing, students can see a hint after incorrectly answering an item on the first attempt.
Multi-part: (Administer online or on paper)
Students choose or enter answers for a minimum of 2 and up to 10 parts that vary question type. MP items can include a mix of hand and auto-scored parts. The Points value for each individual part will be summed in the Total Possible Points field for the entire item. Scoring events are not supported for MP items. Refer to each item type selected for the item for additional details on that part.
- Select Multi-part label type.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then choose Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Student Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes and enter instructions in the text box.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes and enter instructions in the text box.
Partial Credit (Optional).
- Partial Credit: Choose if students should receive points for choosing one or all correct answers and possibly minus points if they choose an incorrect answer.
- Dependent Scoring: The score earned from each part within this Multi-Part item depends on the scores of its previous parts. If a part of the item is not fully correct, the student is not awarded a score for that part or any of the following parts of the item.
- Total Points possible calculates based on the amount of points assigned to each item type selected.
- Use the tabs to switch to each item part.
- Select the Question Type for each item part.
- Select the + tab to add an additional item part.
Multiple Response: (Administer online or on paper)
Students choose two or more correct answers from several answer choices. Partial credit may be given. Setup is the same as for MC items except for the Answer Layout Format and point value.
Link Passage (Optional): Choose one or more passages, if applicable.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (Optional): Use the slider to include. If slide to Yes, enter instructions in the text box.
- Question: Enter the question in the text box. This may also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
Partial Credit (Optional):
- Partial Credit: Choose if students should receive points for choosing one or all correct answers and possibly minus points if they choose an incorrect answer. Enter the point value in the Points column to the right of the answer choice in Step 10.
- Relative Scoring: Choose if students should receive credit for how many total correct answers are selected. Enter points values relative to the number of correct answers selected in the item in Step 13.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Rubric (Optional): Enter item Rubric.
- Sample Response (Optional): Enter an example response student's will see during Online testing.
Number of Choices: Use the dropdown to select the number of choices for the item.
- Limit Number of Choices: Limit the amount of choices a student will see when online testing. Correct answers will always appear but incorrect answers will be randomized.
- Types of Choices: Use the dropdown to select the type of choices (letters - beginning with A or F, numbers - beginning with 1)
- Lock Choices Order: Use the slider to lock the choice order. This prevents the answer choices from being randomized during online testing.
- Include Rationale (optional): Slide No to Yes, and a Rationale column will appear next to each answer choice. A rationale for each answer choice must be entered in the text box in order to save the work.
Answers Choices
- Use the radio button(s) to indicate the correct answer.
- If the Partial Credit Slider was turned on in Step 4, enter the Points possible for the correct answers. This column will only appear if the the Partial Credit Slider was turned to "on."
- Enter Answer Choice.
- Delete Choice: Select on the trash can icon to delete an answer choice.
- Add Choice: Select to add an answer choice.
- Relative Scoring (Table will only appear if the the checkbox was selected in Step 4): Enter the amount of points awarded for the number of correct answers selected.
Number Line: (Administer online only)
Requires students to plot one or more correct answers on a Number Line. No partial credit available.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Set the Minimum and Maximum values for the Number Line.
- Choose the Tick Interval for the Number Line. This determines that rate at which ticks appear across the line for students to plot potential answer points. In the example above, ticks appear every 1/2 number on the line.
- Set a Label Interval. This is the rate at which numbers are labeled on the Number Line. In the example above, only every 1 whole number is labeled on the number line.
- Set the Width in pixels. The larger the number, the more space the Number Line will take up from left to right, to help better display numbers across the line.
- The left and right Arrows on the Number Line are enabled by default. Select to make the Number Line a Ray or Line Segment.
- A preview of the Number Line appears and updates as settings are adjusted.
- Optional - add a Title. This appears directly below the Number Line.
- Determine which Tools students can use to respond to the Question. All options are enabled by default, deselect any options students should not have available to respond.
- Point - specific location that corresponds to a single numerical value.
- Line Segment - there are 4 Line Segment options available. They represent the portion of the number line between two specific points. If the end point are closed (filled in) the number the point falls on is included. If the end point is open (white space), the number the point falls on is not included.
- Ray - there are 4 Ray options available. A closed ray is a directed line segment that starts at a specific point (the initial point) and extends infinitely in one direction, including the endpoint. An open ray is a directed line segment that starts at a specific point (the initial point) and extends infinitely in one direction without including the endpoint.
- Set the Maximum Number of Elements students can apply to the number line. Five is set by default.
- Select the Tool students should use for the correct answer.
- Plot the point, line segment, or ray on the number line to set the correct answer. If using a line segment click and drag a point to adjust the end points.
Numerical Response: (Administer online or on paper)
Students enter the answer to a numeric question on a keypad (online), or bubble the answer on a griddable template (on paper).
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Question: Type the assessment question in the text box. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Include Griddable: If administering on paper, slide No to Yes to attach a griddable template from those made available by the district. Students bubble in the answer on the answer sheet.
- Answer: Enter the correct answer to the question.
Tolerance (optional): Enter a tolerance value, if needed.
- Including a Tolerance value allows a numerical response answer to be scored as correct when its value is within the selected Tolerance range. For example, a Tolerance of .01 would allow an answer to be plus or minus .01 of the exact answer. If the problem asks students to round 3.666 to the nearest hundredth, and the Tolerance is set at .01, then the following answers would be scored as correct: 3.66, 3.67, and 3.68.
Order Items: (Administer online only)
Students place several answer choices in the correct order. Partial credit may be given.
Link Passage: Choose one or more passages, if applicable, then click on Select.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions.
- Question: Type the question in the text box, or use the Copy/Paste options to import text. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools. Please see the help document Item Bank: CKEditor Formatting Tools for Teachers for more details.
- Total Possible Points: Enter the maximum number of points students may earn on this item.
- Sample Response (not necessary for this item type).
- Select Number of Choices a student is able to select (2 to 9), Types of Choices (letters or numbers), and Lock Choices Order (Slide No to Yes to prevent the answer choices from being randomized during online testing).
- Include Rationale (optional): Slide No to Yes, and the Rationale column will appear next to each answer choice. A rationale for each answer choice must be entered in the text box in order to save the work.
- Item Correct Order: Use the horizontal arrows to put the answer choices in the correct order.
- Answer Choices: Type each answer choice in the text boxes, or use the Copy/Paste options to import text. May also include audio, video, images, equation, or table as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools.
- Delete Choice: Delete an answer choice by clicking on the trash can icon.
- Add Choice: Add an answer choice.
Writing Prompt (Administer Online Only)
Students are provided a prompt to which they must provide a written response. The student is awarded points based on objective categories.
- Include Teacher Instructions (optional): Slide No to Yes to add instructions. If set to Yes, enter Teacher Instructed into the provided space.
- Set the Number of Questions. This allows multiple prompts to be entered for students to answer within a single question. Then users are able to grade using a single rubric.
- Question: Enter the writing prompt.
- Include Character Limit: Slide No to Yes. Select Characters Remaining or Characters Used. Characters Remaining counts down the remaining characters from the limit. Characters Used counts up to the limit. Enter a positive whole number greater than 0 for the character limit.
- Answer Options: For the student response field, you may select Text, Drawing, or both. Please see the Help document, Drawing Tool for Students, for more information on the drawing tool, and CKEditor Formatting Tools for Students for more information about the text tool.
- Sample Response (optional): Include a sample student response.
- Total Points Possible: The total points are automatically calculated depending on the max points associated with each objective.
- # of Objectives: Select the number of objectives the prompt will be scored with (1-20), then click Update.
- Objective Name: Enter the name of each objective. Objective Point Range: Enter a minimum and maximum point value for each objective. Non-numeric Value: If the numeric value is set at 0, then the value can be replaced with NS or NA.
- Include Standards for Objectives: Slide No to Yes to add a Standards step in the creation process.
- Include Rubric: Slide No to Yes to include a Scoring Rubric. Create, Upload PDFs, or select from available Teacher/Student Rubrics.