Scoring events can be monitored from the Scoring Event Manager. Users may Edit an event if they are the event creator, Score work for events that have started if they were selected as a grader, or Delete a scoring event. Additional functions include Publish/Unpublish, Rename, History, Score Review, Bulk Event Window Change, and Bulk Delete.

- From the navigation bar, select the Apps menu button (three horizontal lines/hamburger).
- Select Scoring Event from the dropdown.

- From the Manage Scoring Events screen, a Score button (monitor icon) is available for users to click if they were selected as a grader for an event, there is at least one student to score, and if the scoring window is open for the scoring event.

- A notification will also arrive in the top navigation bar bell icon. Select this to open the Notifications Center and view new and past notifications. Expanding a scoring event notification and clicking the Score Now button will open the scoring screen for an appropriate event. This button will only be available if you’re using a role with scoring event grader permissions and the event scoring window is still open.
- The Scoring Event scoring screen resembles the existing Score Online Constructed Response/Writing Prompt Items screen. Users can view student responses, student notes, anchor paper, and teacher rubric. They can also add grader comments and flag student responses for the students assigned to them.
- For single scored events (one grader per student), after the grader submits scores for a student, the final score will be automatically calculated and will appear in reports.

- For double scored events (two graders per student), students will be first be scored by their grader 1, then by their grader 2. Both graders’ scores are then checked against the scoring agreement rules before a final score can be calculated:
- If scores are in agreement, then the scores are calculated into the final score.
- If scores are in disagreement, then scoring resolution is required. This is accomplished depending on the options selected in event setup.
Grader 2 may choose to discuss with Grader 1 the student responses that received different scores. They will be given Grader 1’s name and contact information (email address), and then both Grader 1 and Grader 2 can return to rescore the student’s responses that were in disagreement. This process continues until scoring agreement is reached. The scoring screen is updated to include a Grader 1 and Grader 2 tab, each containing the respective grader’s name and email.

- Alternatively, a third “expert grader” can be assigned to give the new score. If no expert grader was designated, a different user among the selected graders will be chosen to score the student's responses. The scoring screen will include a Final Score tab for this grader to enter their scores for the student’s responses that require resolution. They will also be able to review the scores and any comments or flags given by Grader 1 and Grader 2.