Staff members that have been identified as Graders for a Scoring Event will be sent a notification through SchoolCity:
- When the Scoring Event is available for scoring
- When the Scoring Event is ending soon
- When Students are available for rescoring
- From the launchpad, click on the Notification icon (bell).
- User may review new notification or past notifications.
- Select the "+" icon to expand the notification.

Notification - Scoring Event "event name" is available for scoring.
- Expanding a scoring event notification and clicking the Score Now button will open the scoring screen for the appropriate event. This button will only be available if you’re using a role with scoring event grader permissions and the event scoring window is still open.
- If the user has accessed the notification with a role that does not permit access to the scoring event, a message indicating this will appear. The must update their role to one with the Scoring Event > Grader permission in order to access the scoring event.

Notification - Scoring Event "event name" is ending soon. Please note there are one or more students that have not been scored.
- The system notifies the graders 3 days prior to the end of the scoring event if the grader has additional students to grade.
- The number of students to be graded will be displayed in the notification.

Notification - Scoring Event "event name" has a student available for rescoring.
- If a student's score is voided as part of a scoring review, the grader will receive a notification that they have a student available for scoring.
- Select the Score Now button to go to the scoring event.