The Lockdown Browser Chrome extension for Chromebooks is an extension that locks down the testing environment. When students use the Chrome Lockdown Browser to access an assessment, they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. Students are locked into an assessment until it is submitted for grading. This article walks through the different methods administrators can use to install the Lockdown Browser extension onto students' Chromebook devices.
Before You Begin
Required Permissions: Users must have administrator access to the Google Apps for Education domain, and have the ability to add extensions via the Chrome device policy settings in the Google Apps admin panel.
Installing the Chromebook Lockdown Browser extension onto students' Chromebook devices allows assessment administrators to enable the Lockdown Browser feature for assessments as desired. The Lockdown Browser creates a testing environment that prevents students from completing functions that may aid in cheating, such as printing or copy/pasting test materials, or accessing the wider internet or other applications.
The Chromebook Lockdown Browser extension can be simply whitelisted, allowing individual students and/or instructors to install the extension on a case-by-case basis, or the extension can be automatically installed to all managed Chromebook devices.
The Chromebook Lockdown Browser used to require a Respondus Kiosk Application. Before completing installation of the Lockdown Browser extension, ensure that any prior Chrome Respondus Kiosk Application has been removed from Chromebook devices before installing the Chrome Extension.
Visit Chromebook Help for further guidance on specific steps in support of this feature.
Where to Start
- Log into the Google Suite management interface with your Admin account.

- From the left-hand navigation bar, select Devices.
- Select Chrome.
- Select Apps & extensions.
If the prior Chromebook Respondus Kiosk Application was installed to utilize the lockdown browser, this application must be removed from Chromebook devices before installing the Chrome Extension.

- Select the Kiosks tab.
- Select the SchoolCity Lockdown Browser kiosk application.
- Select Delete.
There are two options for Google administrators to make the SchoolCity Lockdown Browser Chrome Extension available on managed Chromebook devices. The Chromebook Extension can be made available for installation by the student, or it can be automatically installed on all managed Chromebook devices. The steps below allow students to manually install the Chromebook Extension.

- Select the User app settings tab.
- Next to the Allow/block mode setting for the Chrome Web Store, select Edit in legacy view.
- Edit the Allow/block mode settings to be Block all apps, admin manages allowlist.

- Select the Users & browsers tab.
- Select the Organizational Unit where you wish to install the Chrome Extension.
- Select the yellow plus button.
- Select Add Chrome app or extension by ID.

- In the Extension ID field, enter the following ID: kjbeekmcokhndpjmoncknocffkalllel
- Select Save.

- Select Allow install to add the LockDown Browser to the allowlist.
- Toggle on Include in Chrome Web Store Recommended to display the extension in the Chromebook web store.
There are two options for Google administrators to make the SchoolCity Lockdown Browser Chrome Extension available on managed Chromebook devices. The Chromebook Extension can be made available for installation by the student, or it can be automatically installed on all managed Chromebook devices. The steps below automatically install the Extension on all managed Chromebook devices.

- Select the Users & browsers tab.
- Select the Organizational Unit where you wish to install the Chrome Extension.
- Select the yellow plus button.
- Select Add Chrome app or extension by ID.

- In the Extension ID field, enter the following ID: kjbeekmcokhndpjmoncknocffkalllel
- Select Save.

- Change the Installation policy from Allow install to Force install.
The Lockdown Browser Chromebook Extension will be automatically pushed out to all of the managed Chromebook devices.

When students are administered an assessment that has the Chromebook Lockdown Browser enabled, they log into their student portal account as normal. They can access the available assessment via the Assessments navigation tab, or the Take Assessments flip card, and select the Start button for the appropriate assessment.

If the Lockdown Browser extension is properly installed onto the student's Chromebook device, and enabled for the selected assessment, the loading screen above will display.

Once loaded, the assessment displays in the locked browser across the entire Chromebook screen, with a grey bar along the top. The browser allows the student to access all content within the assessment according to the chosen assessment settings, including access to any enabled tools and accommodations. However, the browser does prevent the student from opening or accessing any other applications or web pages. Upon exiting the assessment or closing the browser, a notification appears indicating that the assessment will be closed and inaccessible, unless a teacher reopens the administration.

When the assessment is completed, the student is prompted to select Continue to close the Lockdown Browser.

Once closed, the web browser will reload the student's portal account, and the student will again have free access to their Chromebook applications and the internet.
Next Steps
To learn more about enabling the Lockdown Browser for assessment administrations, take a look at the Setup Screen documentation for any of the relevant assessment types under the Assessments - Create manual.