The California Department of Education (CDE) transitioned from the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) to the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) as the state ELP assessment in 2018. The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. It consists of two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English learners (ELs), and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a students progress in learning English and to identify the student's level of ELP.
The SchoolCity Suite EL Reports are for historical reporting purposes only. No conversion process between the CELDT and ELPAC scores has been provided by the CDE.
ELPAC Reporting is currently available through Predefined Reports.
Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reports on English proficiency objectives for English Learners. Lead Education Agencies (LEAs) receiving Title III funds must meet three Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs). AMAO 1 measures the percent of English Learner (EL) students making progress towards English proficiency, as measured by the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). AMAO 2 measures the percent of EL students attaining the English Language Proficiency level on the CELDT. The SchoolCity EL Reports support districts in meeting their state reporting requirements.

- From the Top Menu Bar, select Reports.
- Click on the EL Reports tab to view the reports.

- Or, select the REPORTS flipcard.
- Click on the EL Reports option to view the report.
By School, By Grade, By Teacher

- School Year, Roster Selection, Reporting Year, Tested Roster: Use the drop down menus to make selections. Click Refresh to view results.
- Filters: Use the drop down menus to select the School, Grade, Course, Teacher, and/or Period to view specific data.
- AMAO 1 By School (default view), By Grade, By Teacher: Click the tab of the desired view.
- Full Screen: Click to view the report in full screen.
- Export: Export the report to PDF (two views) or Excel.

- Show: All (default), Met AMAO 1, Did Not Meet AMAO 1. Click on the radio button next to the desired view.
- AMAO 1 By School (Default view): School Name, Number of Annual CELDT Takers, Required Prior CELDT Scores (Number and Percent), Cohort Meeting Annual Growth Number, Selected School Year (Percent Achieved, Percent Target), Met AMAO 1 (red x= did not meet, green check = did meet), Detail (eye icon). District data listed first, then each school in alpha order.

- Detail View: Click on the Detail (eye) icon to view results by student for a specific school.

- AMAO 1 By Grade: District data listed first, then grade levels in order. Click on the Detail (eye) icon to view student level data for each grade.

- AMAO 1 By Teacher: District level data listed first, then teachers in alpha order. Click on the Detail (eye) icon to view student level data for each teacher.

- School Name, Cohort (Less than 5 Years, 5 Years or More), Number of CELDT Takers (Current Year, Prior Year), Number of Students (In Cohort, Meet AMAO 2), School Year (% Achieved, % Target), Met AMAO 2, Detail. District data displayed first, then each school in alpha order.

- AMAO 2 By Grade: District data displayed first, then grade levels in order. Click on the Detail (eye) icon to view student level data for each grade.

- AMAO 2 By Teacher: District level data listed first, then teachers in alpha order. Click on the Detail (eye) icon to view student level data for each teacher.
The English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) is a self-assessment tool for LEAs to analyze outcomes and program services for ELs when preparing to meet the requirements of Title I and III.

- LEA Data view: District data populated based on AMAO 1, AMAO 2, and Smarter Balanced results.

- ELSSA: Survey Results: Note the Rationale. This survey can be completed and saved for use in succeeding years. The Survey covers five main areas:
- English Language Development
- Access to the Core and Opportunity to Learn (ELA, Mathematics, Intervention, Placement
- Professional Development
- Assessment
- Accountability