Both items and passages are created in and published from the Work Space. As part of the introduction of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) in SchoolCity, members of a PLC Group can now work together to create items.
This lesson will guide you through how members of a PLC Group can create a PLC Item Bank Work Space to work collaboratively on building assessment items.
Where to Start
- Click the 'Select Item Bank Work Space' dropdown menu that displays in the upper right corner of the Item Banks screen to view a drop-list of the Work Spaces (e.g., District Work Space, School Work Space, My Work Space and any PLC Work Spaces) that you have access to.
- When a user selects a PLC group from the dropdown, they are taken to the PLC Item Bank work Space. The functionality and page design is very similar to the District and School Work Spaces, with the following exceptions:
- Title: [PLC Name] Work Space (Eg. a PLC named Computer Science will have a Computer Science Work Space). The unique PLC Work Space title displays in the upper left corner
- < Item Banks button - This button returns a user to the Item Banks screen
- An onscreen reminder message prompts users to publish their items/passages from the PLC Work Space to an Item Bank in order to access items/passages within an assessment.
Once PLC Item Banks have been added, users will see the PLC Banks listed in a drop down labeled "PLC." Applying the filter permits users to narrow down the list of PLC banks that display onscreen.
Note that user Role permissions and PLC Group assignments via the Manage Groups module should work in tandem to dictate whether a user will have access to a PLC Work Space within the application. The Role permissions determine what kind of permissions a user should have if they are assigned to a PLC Group. And the PLC Groupings via the Manage Groups module decide which PLC Groups a user is a member of.
- + Create Bank button- When users click the Create Bank button, they can create a new Work Space bank associated with any of the PLC groups that they are assigned to by selecting the appropriate option listed in the 'Type' dropdown in the Create Bank window. As noted above, the options that display are dependent on the User Role permissions and the PLC Group(s) that the user is a part of.
- When creating items in SchoolCity, users can move items from a PLC item bank Work Space to other PLC Work Spaces and also to non-PLC Work Spaces. Alternatively, users can also move items from non-PLC Work Spaces to PLC Work Spaces.
Next Steps
Ready for more? Visit Create PLC Assessments to learn about PLC assessments.