This overview provides users with an understanding of the SchoolCity's Learning Plans and their respective content. Additional material is continuously being added to all the pathways. These pathways represent the assigned learning but additional content may be found in the catalogs themselves. The All Users pathway contains 3.25 hours of content.
All modules listed in this catalog are part of a premium subscription to the Educator Academy. Check with your System Administrator to see if this content has been purchased.
Welcome to SchoolCity
This program includes a 5 minute platform tour that highlights the most important areas within the platform for a holistic view of how SchoolCity can be used to support student achievement. Highlights include the Assessment Manager, Reports Manager, and Item Bank module.
The Welcome to SchoolCity course (5 min) includes the following modules:
- Platform Tour - Video
Basics for All Users
SchoolCity offers a Student Portal, which offers students a web based solution for taking and reviewing assessments. This course guides students through logging in to the portal, basic navigation, accessing an assessment, using common online testing tools, and reviewing an assessment.
The Student Experience Overview course (6 min) includes the following modules:
- Student Experience Overview - English
Assessment Creation, Administration and Management
The Assessment Manager is one of the most commonly visited modules in the platform. Here users will find premade assessments the organization may have subscribed to, district and/or school level common assessments, as well as each individual user's assessments along with the related functions such as create, view, edit, and copy. This course informs users about the navigation, application, and organization of assessments to promote efficiency and ease of use.
The Managing Assessments course (40 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Manage Assessment
- Overview - Manage Assessment
- Manage Assessments Screen - Video
- Overview - Premade Assessments
- Premade Assessments - Video
- Knowledge Check - Premade Assessments
- Overview - Assessment Types
- Assessment Types - Video
- Knowledge Check - Assessment Types
- Overview - Collections
- Collections - Video
- Overview - Functions
- Functions - Video
- Knowledge Check - Functions
- Overview - Bulk Functions
- Bulk Functions - Video
- Knowledge Check - Bulk Functions
This course examines the processes and tools associated with administering online assessments to students, including scheduling, auto-activation, reactivation, and bulk activation options.
The Administering Assessments course (30 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Administering Assessments
- Overview - Online Administration
- Administer By Students or By Groups - Video
- Advanced Settings - Scheduling - Video
- Overview - Auto-Activation / Reactivation
- Online Settings - Auto-Activation / Reactivation - Video
- Knowledge Check - Auto-Activation / Re-activation
- Overview - Bulk Activation
- Bulk Activation - Video
- Overview - Activate from Advanced Settings
- Activate from Advanced Settings - Video
- Knowledge Check - Activate from Advanced Settings
The SchoolCity platform is home to multiple assessment types, each serving a particular need and/or function. This course features the Answer Key Only (AKO) assessment type, including the creation steps, aligning to standards, adding performance levels, and administration options.
The Creating Assessments: AKO course (33 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Creating an AKO
- Overview - Creating an AKO
- How to Create an AKO- The Basics - Video
- Knowledge Check - How to Create an AKO
- Deeper Dive - Performance Levels AKO - Video
- Knowledge Check - Performance Levels
- Deeper Dive - Online Settings AKO - Video
- Knowledge Check - Online Settings
The SchoolCity platform is home to multiple assessment types, each serving a particular need and/or function. This course features the Item Bank assessment type, including the creation steps, aligning to standards, adding performance levels, and online settings.
The Creating Assessments: Item Bank course (52 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Creating an Item Bank Assessment
- Overview - Creating an Item Bank Assessment
- Creating an Item Bank Assessment - The Basics - Video
- Overview - Deeper Dive - Filters
- Deeper Dive - Filters in Item Bank Assessment - Video
- Knowledge Check - Filters
- Overview - Deeper Dive - Items
- Deeper Dive - Items in Item Bank Assessment - Video
- Knowledge Check - Items
- Overview - Deeper Dive - Performance Levels Item Bank
- Deeper Dive - Performance Levels Item Bank - Video
- Overview - Deeper Dive - Online Settings Item Bank
- Deeper Dive - Online Settings Item Bank - Video
- Knowledge Check- Online Settings Item Bank
The SchoolCity platform is home to multiple assessment types, each serving a particular need and/or function. This course features the Express assessment type, including the creation steps, adding performance levels, and administration options.
The Creating Assessments: Express course (12 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Creating an Express Assessment
- Overview - Creating an Express Assessment
- Creating An Express Assessment - The Basics - Video
- Knowledge Check - Creating an Express Assessment
The platform is home to multiple assessment types, each serving a particular need and/or function. This course features the Performance Based assessment type including the creation steps, adding objectives and standards, setting score labels and score types, adding performance levels, and entering student scores.
The Creating Assessments: Performance Based course (18 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Creating a Performance Based Assessment
- Overview- Creating a Performance Based Assessment
- Creating a Performance Based Assessment- The Basics - Video
- Deeper Dive - Setting up Score Labels and Score Types - Video
- Scoring a Performance Based Assessment - Video
This course explains the process of creating a Personalized Review Assignment (PRA) for students to complete in the Student Portal after an assessment has been administered. The purpose of a PRA is to offer students continued practice on standards based on their performance on a specific assessment.
The PRA course (13 min) includes the following modules:
- What is PRA? - Video
- Navigating to PRA in SchoolCity - Video
- Setting Up PRA - Video
- Student Experience in PRA - Video
- Reviewing Your PRA - Video
This course explains how to create and apply Accommodation Profiles or Templates to students with IEPs or 504 plans to ensure adherence to state and federal requirements when completing online assessments. District users with permission may create Accommodation Templates in the Admin module that can be applied to specific groups of students.
The Applying Accommodation Profiles course (9 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Applying Accommodation Profiles
- Overview - Applying Accommodation Profiles
- Applying an Accommodation Profile Template - Video
- Knowledge Check - Applying Accommodation Profiles
Reporting within SchoolCity for All Users
Depending on the type, structure, and data housed within an assessment, an assessment may have up to 9 predefined reports available for review. This course examines each of the 9 reports individually and aims to promote general understanding, basic navigation, and tips and tricks to enable both simple and complex analyses.
The Predefined Single Assessment Reporting course (73 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Predefined Single Assessment Reporting
- Overview - Navigating Predefined Report
- Navigation to Predefined Reports
- Report Header - Video
- Overview - Predefined Single Assessment Reporting
- Test Result - Video
- Student Response - Video
- Feedback Cards - Video
- Standard Analysis - Video
- Objective Analysis - Video
- Question Group - Video
- Item Analysis - Video
- Summary - Video
- Demographic Profile - Video
- Integrated Performance - Video
- Knowledge Check - Predefined Single Assessment Reporting
The Student History Report contains demographic information and historical data of state and local assessments for each student in a district. Depending on the district, this may include multiple years of results from state summative tests, English Learner assessments, as well as district, school, and classroom level assessments, class schedule, and any Accommodation Profiles. This course examines how to navigate and use Student History Reports.
The Student History Report course (15 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Student History Report
- Overview - Student History Report
- Navigation To and Within - Video
- Student History Report Tabs - Video
- Knowledge Check - Student History Reports
The Custom Report allows users of all levels to create a report of two or more data sets across the same or multiple years for side-by-side comparison. Depending on the District's Student Information System (SIS), the Custom Report may also include student demographic information, test dates, and other details. This course examines how to create, view, and manage Custom Reports.
The Custom Reports: Multiple Measure Reporting course (14 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Custom Reports
- Overview - Custom Reports
- Creating Custom Reports - Video
- Viewing & Using Custom Reports - Video
- Managing Custom Reports - Video
The Pivot Table Report allows users of all levels to create a report that compares student performance across the same, or two similar assessments. It shows student growth, maintenance, or decline from one assessment to another by performance levels. This course examines how to create, view, and manage Pivot Table reports.
The Pivot Table: Multiple Measure Reporting course (19 min) includes the following modules:
- Learning Objective - Pivot Table
- Overview - Pivot Table
- Creating Pivot Table Reports - Video
- Reading Pivot Table Reports - Video
- Managing Pivot Table Reports - Video
- Knowledge Check - Pivot Table Report