This lesson provides step-by-step guidance on creating an Order Items item in the Item Bank. This item type requires students to drag and drop answer choices into the correct order. This question type can be administered online only, offers partial credit scoring, and is automatically scored.
Before You Begin
This lesson begins assuming that users have the permissions to create new Item Bank items, and are familiar with the item creation process. To learn more about creating Item Bank items, take a look at the Create Items article.
Create Order Items Item

- Select the Order Items item type.
- (Optional) Choose one or more passages by selecting Link Passage.
- Passages must be published and located in the same Work Space to be available for linking.
- Use the slider to determine if the item should Include Teacher Instructions.
- If the slider is set to Yes, enter teacher instructions into the text box.
- Enter the Question in the text box.
- The Question may also include audio, video, images, equations, or tables, as shown in the CKEditor formatting tools. Take a look at CKEditor Formatting Tools for Staff Users for more details.
- Use the Partial Credit slider to enable or disable partial credit.
- If Partial Credit is disabled, students must place every answer item correctly to receive points; if any item is placed incorrectly, students receive no points.
- If Partial Credit is enabled, students can receive points for partially correct answers.
- Enter the maximum Total Possible Points students can earn on the item. If Partial Credit has been enabled, the Total Possible Points field becomes uneditable, and instead displays the maximum number of points for the question according to the points assigned to each answer item.
- (Optional) Enter a Sample Response, if desired.
- Select the desired # of Choices to be ordered, with a minimum of two, and a maximum of nine.
- Select the desired Type of Choices, either letters or numbers.
- Use the slider to Lock Choices Order to prevent the answer choices from being randomized during online testing.
- Use the slider to Include Rationale, if desired.
- Drag and drop the item choices to indicate the Item Correct Order.
- If Partial Credit is enabled, enter the Points each answer item is worth.
- Enter the Answer items to be ordered, following the Item Correct Order indicated in step 12.
- If Include Rationale was enabled, enter the Rationale for each answer item.
- Select the trashcan icon to delete an answer item.
- Select Add Choice to add an answer item.
- Select Save to save the item progress, or select Next to save and continue to the next step.
Next Steps
To learn more about creating different item types, take a look at the other articles in the Item Types manual.