District administrators (ADMIN Role) have the ability to grant various permissions to other district staff, site administrators, and teachers to manage Parent Portal Accounts. This document will review the specific permissions that can be granted for Parent Portal Registration and Parent Portal Challenges.

- Select the Grid, then select Admin to go to the Admin module.

- In the Admin module, select the Roles tab.
- Find the Role for which you want to grant Parent Portal permissions.
- In the same row as that Role, click on the down arrow in the Functions column, and select Edit.
All changes made to the permissions of a Role affect all users with that Role.

- Select the Parent Portal tab. Parent Portal permissions may be granted in full or in part to District, School, and/or Teacher Roles.

Parent Portal Registration - Permission to View, Validate, Challenge, or Decline Parents request to register for the Parent Portal.
- View: This permission allows the User to view a Parent’s registration request. The User will only be able to view a Parent’s request if he/she has access to the roster on which the associated student resides. For example, a District Level User would be able view all Parent requests since he/she has access to all students in the district. A School Level User would be able to view only Parent requests for the students in that school. A Teacher Level User would be able to view only Parent requests for the students on his/her roster.
- Validate: This permission allows the User to approve a Parent’s request for an account, thus granting the parent access to view student information.
- Challenge: This permission allows the User to challenge a Parent’s request for an account. A challenge might be placed for varying reasons as established by the district. Once challenged, the request must be validated or declined by a User with permission to do so. (See Parent Portal Challenges permissions)
- Decline: This permission allows the User to deny a Parent request for an account, preventing the parent from logging in to access student information.

Parent Portal Challenges: Permission to View, Validate, or Decline a Parent’s request that has been challenged by a User with the permission to challenge.
- View: This permission allows the User to view a challenge to a Parent’s request for an account. The User will only be able to view a challenge if he/she has access to the roster on which the associated student resides.
- Validate: This permission allows the User to investigate the challenge and approve the Parent’s request for an account, thus granting the parent access to view student information.
- Decline: This permission allows the User to investigate the challenge and deny the Parent’s request for an account, preventing the parent from accessing student information.

Parent Portal Manage Information
- Edit: Admin Level Users may edit (accept or reject) parent requests.
- Click Save to save any changes made to the Permissions. Click Back to return to the list of Roles.