The Student Portal is where students can take online assessments and view their test results. This lesson reviews how students can review their assessment results, and access open education resources in the Student Portal.
Where to Start

- Select Scores from the Top Menu Bar.

- Find the desired test to review, and select View Result.
The red * for Preliminary Scores will no longer display once the items that require scoring have been scored.

- Select the Review Scores Flip Card.
- Select the assessment name to review scores.
Results for some assessments may not be available for review if test security measures have been set by the Teacher, School, or District.
Review Scores
Students may review scores by looking at All Items, Correct Items, or Incorrect Items. Each view displays the following information shown below.

- The Assessment Name, Performance Level (if available), Raw Score (Number of Points Earned/Total Number of Points Possible), and Percent Correct display at the top of the page.
- Select any desired Standards or Sort By filters from the dropdown menus, and select Refresh to apply.
- Select the All Items, Correct, or Incorrect tab view.
- The red * for Preliminary Scores will display next to the Score for items that need to be hand-scored by the teacher.
- Select the PRA button to view linked Personalized Review Assignments for the assessment, View Markup to view any markups made during the assessment, or the Download icon to download the report.
- Linked Standard details will appear above the associated items, including the standard name, percent correct for the standard, and a description of the standard.
- The Item Number and Item Preview will display.
- Within item previews for Technology Enhanced Items, a tab for the Correct Answer and the Student Response given in the assessment are available.
- Select the eye icon to view a full popup screen of the item, including the Correct Answer and Student Response.
- DOK Level, or Depth of Knowledge, displays for each item, indicating the difficulty of the question.
- The Item Type acronym is given.
- The Student Response is shown, either as the response letter or number in red or green, dependent on if it was answered correctly, or indicating the item preview for further details.
- The Correct Answer is shown.
- The Score is shown, with a red asterisk * next to Preliminary Scores.
- Select the speech bubble icon to view the Rubric/Notes for the item, if they are available.
Constructed Response / Writing Prompt Items

- For Constructed Response items, the Item Preview will display any attached passages, the prompt, the rubric and rubric scores, and the student score.
- For Writing Prompt items, the Item Preview will display any attached passages, the prompt, objective scoring rubric, and the student score.
- Select the WP or CR button under the Student Response column to view the student's written response. The button will turn orange, and the Student Response text will appear below the Item Preview.
- The Score will appear either as a finalized number, or will appear with red asterisk * for Preliminary Scores that still need to be hand-scored by the teacher.
Item Type Descriptions for Online Assessments Taken in the Student Portal
- (CT) Charting: Requires students to interact with a histogram, bar chart, line chart, or dot/line chart according to given information. No partial credit.
- (CR) Constructed Response: Requires a written or drawn response from the student. Manually scored with a rubric.
- (EBSR) Evidence Based Selected Response: Requires students to answer a two-part question in which Part B provides text evidence for the answer in Part A. Generally, Part A is a Multiple Choice or Multiple Response question, while Part B can be Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, or Hot Text. No partial credit.
- (XCR) Explicit Constructed Response: Requires students to enter an exact response to a question.
- (GM) Gap Match or (GGM) Graphic Gap Match: Requires students to click and drag an image, words, phrases, or numbers into or next to the correct response box.
- (GF) Graphing Functions: Requires students to plot the correct object on a graph, in the correct location, according to given information. No partial credit.
- (GL) Graphing Lines: Requires students to draw up to 9 line segments on a graph. No partial credit.
- (GP) Graphing Points: Requires students to plot up to 9 points on a graph. No partial credit.
- (GSS) Graphing Solution Set: Requires students to draw lines on a graph and select the correct area that represents the solution set according to given information. No partial credit.
- (HS) Hot Spot: Requires students to select the correct answer by selecting on one or more “hot spots” or images. No partial credit.
- (HT) Hot Text: Requires students to select underlined words, phrases, or sentences within a given text to answer the question. No partial credit.
- (IC) Inline Choice: Requires students to select the correct response from one or more dropdown menus within the question.
- (MT) Matching Table: Requires students to select a checkbox in a table to match or answer the question in the problem. Options may be Yes/No, Does Support/Does Not Support, True/False, or another choice of two or more options. No partial credit.
- (MB) Multiple Binary: Requires students to indicate if up to six answer choices are Yes/No, True/False, or Correct/Incorrect. No partial credit.
- (MC) Multiple Choice: Requires students to select one correct answer from up to nine answer choices.
- (MR) Multiple Response: Requires students to select two or more correct answers from up to nine answer choices.
- (NL) Number Line: Requires students to place a point or points on a number line where a number or numbers should be located. No partial credit.
- (NLDP) Number Line Dot Plot: Requires students to complete a line plot that displays the data as directed. No partial credit.
- (NR) Numerical Response: Requires students to type the answer to a numeric problem on a keypad.
- (OI) Order Items: Requires students to drag and drop answer choices into the correct order.
- (WP) Writing Prompt: Requires students to provide a written response to a writing prompt. This item type is similar to the Constructed Response, but allows for scoring to be done using a rubric with multiple objectives (1-20). This type is manually scored by the teacher.
Next Steps
To learn more about navigating the Student Portal, visit the other articles in the Student Portal section.