This article provides an overview of how Professional Learning Communities (PLC) members can view Standards Progression Report results in SchoolCity for the students and teachers that make up a PLC Group.

- PLC Groups are defined for the Current School year only. If the Roster Year is changed from the current year to any other year, the PLC dropdown will not be available for users within the blue filter bar. Users can change the roster between the Current Roster and YTD Roster, within the current school year and maintain access to the PLC Groups.
The Report Filter selection bar will provide a different set of Filter Options depending on whether or not the user selects a PLC Assessment or non-PLC Assessment.
Only one PLC group can be selected at a time. No additional Student Groups may be selected if a PLC group is already selected.
Standards Progression Report

- Detail - The detail tab of the Standards Progression report will display data for all students that make up the selected PLC. In addition to their own students, PLC teachers will see any students who are not on their rosters but who are in the selected PLC student group. Only PLC teachers would show if a PLC group was selected.

- Summary - Users will also see a Filtered Students Average display after the District Average. This will display the average of the students that appear on the screen when the PLC filter is used.