This lesson reviews the Configure Projections tab under the Settings menu on the TXPRO app. Admin users with the appropriate role permissions can use this page to configure which uploaded assessment data files will and will not be used in the TXPRO accountability projections.
Before You Begin
Required Permissions: Admin Role, TXPRO Data Upload permission or higher
This lesson begins assuming users have SchoolCity role permissions to access TXPRO, and have already logged in. For help with TXPRO permissions, visit Enable TXPRO Role Permissions. For help with logging in, visit TXPRO Login.
Where to Start
- Select the Settings gear icon.
Configure Projections
- Select the Configure Projections tab.
- An informational message appears at the top of the page indicating, "The recommended files for accountability projections have been pre-selected. You may select other files, but it is advised that you do a thorough check of the assessments included and administration periods before submitting the recalculation request." Select the X icon to hide this message.
- If assessment configurations are altered, the Re-select recommended files checkbox becomes available. Select this checkbox to revert assessment selections to the original recommended selections.
- A list of uploaded assessment data files appear in the table. Select the File used in calculation checkbox header to group checked files in ascending or descending order. Select or deselect the checkboxes for data files to configure whether that data is used in the accountability projections.
- Select the File Name header to sort data files in ascending or descending order by name.
- Select the Uploaded by header to sort data files in ascending or descending order by upload user name.
- Select the Date & time uploaded (in CT) header to sort data files in ascending or descending order by date uploaded.
- Select the Assessment included header to sort data files in ascending or descending order by assessment name.
- Select the Administration periods relevant to 2024 accountability header to sort data files in ascending or descending order by administration period.
- Select the Is file included in current accountability projections? header to group data files by inclusion or exclusion.
- Select Recalculate Now to recalculate the district scores based on the newly selected or deselected data files.
- After selecting Recalculate Now, a confirmation message appears. Select Recalculate Now to confirm the recalculation of accountability projections for the school district. Select Cancel to return to the Configure Projections page without recalculating.
- After confirming the recalculation, a popup message appears indicating that the request for recalculation was submitted successfully.
- A warning message appears at the top of the page indicating, "Recalculation is in progress. It is recommended that you do not make any changes to the Settings tabs during this time." Select the X icon to hide this message.
Next Steps
To learn more about the other Settings tabs, view the Settings section. To learn more about viewing TXPRO data, take a look at the Data Views section.