CKEditor formatting tools are available for staff members both when authoring Items and Passages within the Item Bank and in the Manage Assessments > Score Constructed Response item screen.
In this article we will review all of the features integrated in the CKEditor.
For more details on the CKEditor , please visit CKEditor
The same text box and formatting tools are available in the Score Constructed Response screen and in the My Work Space, School Work Space, or District Work Space.
1. Paste, Paste as Plain Text, Paste from Word

Paste, Paste as Plain Text, Paste from Word: To support the conversion of documents to HTML, use one of these three options to copy and paste text into the text box.
2. Image

Image: Choose a file, then Upload Image, or Browse Server. Complete Image Properties, then click on OK to insert the image. Use the Backspace key to delete the image. [Note: A good image size to use as a reference is in the range of 250-350 for width for images that don’t need to fill the entire area. LOCK the aspect ratio to keep the perspective correct.]
3. Create Equation

Create Equation: Create the equation by clicking on the numbers and symbols, along with those on your computer keyboard, then click OK to insert.
4. Table

Table: Click on the Table icon and complete the Table Properties set up. Click OK to insert. Use the Backspace key to delete the table.
5. Insert Horizontal Line

Insert Horizontal Line: Click in the text to indicate where the line should be inserted, then click on the icon. Use the backspace key to remove the line.
6. Insert Special Character

Insert Special Character: Insert special characters as needed, such as non-English language letters, by clicking on the omega icon.
7. Source

Source: Shows all coding from pasted text. Remove coding as necessary. Click on the icon again to close.
8. Insert Link

Insert Link: Name and paste a link you want to add to a question. Click OK to insert.
9. Add Video and Add Audio

Add Video and Add Audio: Drag and drop files to upload. Note supported file types in red. Click OK to insert.
10. Bold (B), Italics (I), and Underline (U)

Bold (B), Italics (I), and Underline (U): Highlight text and click on the desired icon.
11. Strikethrough

Strikethrough: Highlight the desired text and click on the icon to strike through. To undo, highlight the text and click on the icon again.
12. Subscript, Superscript, and Remove Format

Subscript, Superscript, and Remove Format: Highlight the text you want to format and click on the desired icon.
13. Insert/Remove Numbered List or Bulleted List

Insert/Remove Numbered List and Insert/Remove Bulleted List: Highlight the text and click the icon to add and remove the desired formatting.
14. Align/Justify Text

Align/Justify text: Highlight text and align left, center, align right, or justify.
15. Foreign Languages

Foreign languages: Click on the down arrow to select the desired language Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, German, or Portuguese.
You must have a keyboard that supports the foreign language.
16. Paragraph Format, Font Name, Font Size

Paragraph Format, Font Name, Font Size: Select your preference from the drop-down menus.
17. Information: Character Maps

Information: Character Maps: Go to the i icon in the Top Menu Bar, then click on Item Banks to view special character maps.