Student responses (CRs and WPs) may be generated as a PDF by staff in order to review either on paper by printing the PDF to hardcopy, or viewing via a device as an electronic PDF.
1. Where to Start
Visit Navigate to Entering Scores for Assessments to review how to navigate to the scoring feature.
The Score Online icon will be bolded once the students submit their online assessment for scoring.
Download and Print Students’ Responses: Teacher Level User

- In the By Students tab, export the students’ responses to PDF format by clicking on the download icon on the right hand side of the screen.
- Select Items to Include: All Writing Prompt Items or only one.
- Select the Content to Include from the options shown.
- Select Print by Class or Print by Student.
- Click on Print. This will generate a PDF for printing.
Bulk Printing of Writing Prompt Items: District and School Level Users

- Selecting School and Teacher On the Score Online Constructed Response Items page.
- Click on the download icon (Bulk Print PDF).
- Select Items to Include: all Writing Prompt items or a specific WP item.
- Select Content to Include.
- Generate unique PDF file by School or by Teacher
- Click Print.

- A message will appear confirming the bulk print request. Click Send to Bulk Printing or Cancel.

- A second message will appear confirming that SchoolCity has received the request and is processing it. Click Take me to Bulk Printing or Exit.
Print from Manage Assessments

Student responses can also be downloaded and printed from Manage Assessments, when the assessment window is In Progress (yellow) or is Closed (red).
- In the Assessment Manager, find the desired assessment and click on the down arrow on the far right in the Functions column.
- Select PDF Student CR from the drop down menu.

- Make selections for Items to Include, Content to Include, Print By Class or By Student, then click Print.
- For Bulk Printing, click on the download icon.