If an online Item Bank, Answer Key Only, or Express assessment includes one or more Constructed Response (CR) or Short Answer (SA) items, the students’ responses must be scored within SchoolCity. This document explains how to score for online Constructed Response and Short Answer items, how to print the students’ responses, and how students can review their score in the Student Portal.
If the Constructed Response item is defined within a Scoring Event, please refer to the Scoring Event help document here.
To learn about how to score Writing Prompt (WP) items, click here.
Where to Start
This article begins assuming a users has already navigated to the 'Enter Answers in Student Answer Sheet' page. If not, please visit Navigate to Entering Scores for Assessments to review how to navigate to the scoring feature.

CR items must be scored within the scoring window dates as set by the Test Creator/Administrator.
- Assessment Name, Subject, and Roster Year.
- Change Assessment: Click on the down arrow to select a different assessment.
- For an Item Bank assessment containing at least one CR and/or WP item that was selected to be scored in a Scoring Event, a message will display on the Score Online screen to notify users that items selected for scoring via Scoring Event will not be available on that screen.
- Filter students by Period, if appropriate, then click Refresh.
- Tabs for score By Student (default setting), By Item, By Groups, View Student Notes, if any were made by students while testing, and Score Review, a preview of how students have performed on each assessment item.
- Show Incomplete: Click here to show the student responses that have not yet been scored.
- Current Student Name displayed. Use the drop down arrow next to the student’s name to view the entire roster and select another student.
- Prev: Go to the previous student on the roster. Next: Go to the next student.
- Save: Click Save after scoring each student’s response to add the score to the student’s assessment results. It is recommended that you save often to avoid losing data.
- Full Screen: View the student response and teacher feedback text boxes in full screen.
- Download icon: Export Student Answers to PDF and print.
- Score Points: Select the student’s score and it will automatically enter in the score box above.
- Student Response: View the written response from the student.
- Anchor Paper and Student Notes.
- Copy to Feedback: Copy student response into Teacher Feedback textbox.
- Teacher Scoring Rubric: Item Bank Assessment and AKO/Express.
- Teacher Feedback (optional): Give feedback to students about their response. Click Save to save the feedback or click on the trashcan icon to delete.

- Depending on the assessment type, an Anchor Paper may be available to use as a scoring guide.
- Students may write Notes for this item (if given as a tool by the Test Administrator) as they complete the Constructed Response in the Student Portal. Click on the appropriate icon to view each.

As an option, the entire student response can be copied into the Teacher Feedback text box.
- Click on Teacher Feedback. It will change to orange and a text box will appear below.
- Click on the Copy to Feedback icon. This will add the student response to the Teacher Feedback text box.
- Write comments and use the CKEditor formatting tools as needed. Students will be able to review Teacher Feedback in the Student Portal if allowed to view the results of their assessment.

- Click on the T icon to view the scoring rubric for this item.
- Use the arrows in the bottom right hand corner to expand the window. Click and drag it to any spot on the screen.
- Click the X in the upper right hand corner to close the rubric window.
Preloaded Item Banks provide a rubric for many CR items. CR Items created in the Work Space may have a custom rubric attached.

- Teacher Rubric (optional): A teacher rubric may be uploaded during the assessment creation process.
- Student Rubric (optional): A student rubric may be uploaded during the assessment creation process.
- The window is resizable and movable.

The full screen view offers another option for reviewing student responses and scoring them.
- Click on the Full Screen icon.

- Student Name, Prev, Next, CR Item Number: Use the Prev and Next buttons to move from student to student.
- Score points: Click on the appropriate score and it will automatically display in the score box.
- Anchor Paper, Notes, Copy to Feedback
- Student Response: View the student’s answer.
- Teacher Rubric: Click on the gray arrow to open the rubric. A split screen displays with the student response on the left and the rubric on the right.
- Hide the Teacher Rubric: Click on the orange arrow to hide the rubric.
- Save/Close: Click Save after scoring the response. Clicking on Close takes you back to the original screen.
- Exit Full Screen: Return to the previous screen.

In this view you can see all student responses to the same item.
- Click on the By Item tab to view all student responses for this item.
- Scroll down to view all students’ answers for this item
- Teacher Rubric and Anchor Paper.
- Teacher Feedback to the far right of each student’s name to provide feedback to that student.
- Student Notes (if any) and Copy to Feedback (if desired).
- Score the response.
- Save often to include student score in Reports.
- Download to PDF.

If student groups have been created in the Group Manager, a group may be selected for viewing.
- Click on the By Groups tab.
- Use the drop down menu to select the desired group. Click Refresh to view results.
- Read and score the responses.

View notes students wrote and saved about items during the testing session in the Student Portal.
- Click on the View Student Notes tab.
- Student Name: Click Prev to go to the previous student; click Next to go to the Next student on the roster.
- View notes By Student or By Item.
- Student notes are listed.
- Download icon: Export to PDF and print.

See a preview of how students scored on all items on the assessment.
- Click on the Score Review tab.
- Student ID, Last Name, First Name, Items with score (0 = Incorrect, 1 or more = Correct),
- Total (points earned/points possible), Percent Correct (blue bar graph).
- Each column can be reordered by using the up/down arrows in the header. Click one to reorder from lowest to highest score. Click again to reorder from highest to lowest score.
- Hover over the item number to see the Item Type.
- Export results to PDF, Excel, or CSV.
If randomization was turned on for an item bank assessment, the items are presented in the original ordering for scoring.

The process for scoring Constructed Response is similar to scoring an Item Bank assessment, with a few differences. The differences are:
- View the PDF of the assessment by clicking on the document icon (open folder).
- Teacher Rubric (optional): Created/uploaded by the author during the assessment creation process.
- Student Rubric (optional): Created/uploaded by the author during the assessment creation process. Students may view the rubric during the testing session.