This lesson contains an overview of how to edit and/or copy a PLC (Professional Learning Communities) Staff Group.

Where to Start
- From the Launchpad, click the Apps Menu (lines icon) and select Groups in the dropdown menu. Access to the PLC Staff Groups tab is limited to School and District level users.
- Once you've located the PLC Staff Group that you would like to edit, click the Functions column Setup gear icon to the right of the group name to navigate to the Edit PLC Group page.
PLC Staff Group tab visibility is dependent on a user's Access Level. School level users will only see the groups that they have created or those created by school level users at their school site. Users with a District role can only see the groups created by themselves and/or by district level users within the district.
Users with permission to view the PLC Staff Groups tab will have permission to access all of the functions available.
Edit, Copy or Delete a PLC Staff Group

- Similar to the Student Group and Course Group tabs, PLC Staff Groups can be managed using the Functions column icons. From left to right, the functions are Setup (gear icon), Copy (2 pages icon), Delete (trash can icon) and Rename (capital A icon).
- Bulk Functions can also be utilized to Copy or Delete multiple groups at once. First select the checkbox next to each desired PLC Staff Group in the table to proceed with applying a bulk function, then use the bulk operator Copy or Delete keys to make changes to one or more groups at once.