This article steps through the process of uploading a PLC Staff Group in to the SchoolCity application.

Where to Start

In addition to creating a PLC Staff Group from within the SchoolCity application by manually selecting from a list of staff members, users can also utilize the Upload Group button to 1) upload a new PLC Staff Group or 2) add users to an existing PLC Group.
- Upon clicking Upload Group, users will see two options in the dropdown list:
- Date File Template - Clicking this option will generate an excel template that users can use to enter their PLC groups into. Note, the file extension must be .txt document type.
Note that when putting together your PLC Group data file, you may add multiple schools, courses, and additional staff, separated by a comma.
The PLC Group data file template is comprised of the following column headers:
- PLC Name - Required
- LocalSchool ID - Required
- CourseID - Required
- AdditionalStaff - Optional

- New Upload - Upon clicking this option, the Upload PLC Staff Group pop-up window will open, allowing users to import a .txt file to upload their PLC group members. Users should upload the template that they have downloaded.
Once a PLC Staff group data file has been uploaded, users will be returned to the Manage Groups > PLC Staff Groups page, where they will see a "PLC Staff Group created successfully." confirmation message display.
Note, that the upload tool should be additive. This means that additional uploads with the same PLC name are possible. The additional users will be added to the PLC. Duplicated users will not be added.
Additionally, it's worth noting that once a group is uploaded, users may use the Setup icon under Functions to edit the group. Once a group is manually created, users may also upload additional users to the group by using the upload feature. The group will be mapped by the PLC group name.