In this article, we will cover how users at any access level (Teacher, School or District) can control frequently used settings to enhance their navigation through the application.
If your district's Administrator has set and locked properties for Assessments, Reports, Scanning, etc. in District Defaults, it will exclude all other users from changing them. If left unlocked, each user may set their own defaults in My Preferences.
- From the Launchpad, click on the down arrow next to your name in the top right corner of the User Menu bar. Then click on My Preferences.
Assessment Properties

If not set and locked by the District, these properties may be set by individual users as desired. (Click on the “i” icon for a short description of each property.) Note that each property and tool can be locked by using the padlock icon. This will ensure that the property or tool you have selected will always be your default setting.
- # of Recent Assessments to Display - Select the number of assessments to display under the Recent tab in the Assessment Manager.
- Testing Window - Select the time window (days, weeks, months) an assessment is viewable to students for administration. Value is the time from the date the assessment is created.
- Answer Sheet Printing Start Date - Determine the number of days (0-6) or weeks (0-4) answer sheets can be printed prior to the Administration Window start date.
- Scoring End Date - Determine the number of days (0-6) or weeks (0-4) Constructed Response/Writing Prompt items can be scored past the closing date of the testing window.
Scoring Method - Select the scoring method(s) in assessment setup.
- Scanning is for paper/pencil testing using answer sheets and scoring with Scanning.
- GradeCam™ is for paper/pencil testing using GradeCam™ answer sheets and scoring with a document camera or computer camera.
- Student Online is for online testing in the Student Portal with an Item Bank or ExamView assessment.
- Online Answer Sheet is for online testing in the Student Portal with an uploaded PDF of an AKO or Express assessment.
- Skip Performance Level - Select the ability to Skip Performance Level in assessment setup. Slide No to Yes if you want to allow Performance Level to be skipped. Otherwise, set at No.
- Skip Standards - Select the ability to Skip Standards in assessment setup. Slide No to Yes if you want to allow Standards to be skipped. Otherwise, set at No.
Click Save to save any changes made to Assessment Properties.
Online Properties

If not set and locked by the District, these properties may be set by individual users as desired. (Click on the “i” icon for a short description of each property.) Note that each property and tool can be locked by using the padlock icon. This will ensure that the property or tool you have selected will always be your default setting.
- Duration - Select the time duration of an assessment in hours and minutes. Slide the Yes to No to allow an assessment to remain untimed. If yes, click inside each box to increase or decrease the desired default time.
- Default Time Increment - If a Duration is set, select the amount of time that can be added while the assessment is in process.
- Time Window - Select the Start and End times of the day an online assessment is available to students in the Student Portal. Click on the clock to increase or decrease time.
- Days Window - Select the days of the week an online assessment is available to students in the Student Portal. Check the box next to each day to select it.
Properties - Select the properties of an online assessment. Select All, or check the box next to each to select individually. A checked green box means that property is ON, an open box means that property is turned OFF.
- 4 Digit PIN Verification: Requires students to enter a 4 Digit PIN to start taking an online assessment in the Student Portal.
- Auto Activation: Scheduled students will be automatically activated once the assessment is published and the assessment window is open.
- Auto Reactivation: Once a test is activated, students will be able to re-enter an assessment during the administration window as long as the assessment has not been submitted. The following scenarios will allow the student to re-enter the assessment if auto-reactivation is enabled: student closes/refreshes the browser; the application times out; connection to the Internet was temporarily lost; student clicks the exit button.
- Display Item Details in Student Portal: Displays test results in the Student Portal immediately after the student submits the test for scoring score, correct answers for all items, correct items, incorrect items, aligned standard(s), and resources.
- Display Item Hint to Students in Student Portal: The hint feature is only available for items created in the Work Space. Upon completion of a test, all (multiple choice) items for which the student has answered incorrectly will be tagged for a second attempt. During the second attempt, a hint for each incorrect item will display and the initial incorrect response will not be available.
- Display Timer: Displays a timer (countdown clock) in the Student Portal.
- Randomize Answer Choices: Randomizes the answer choices within an item for an online assessment.
- Randomize Items: Randomizes the order of items on an online assessment.
- Thermometer: Upon submitting an online test for scoring in the Student Portal, a visual representation of the total score will be displayed in the shape of a thermometer. Color can be selected.
Click Save to save any changes made to Online Properties.
Online Tools

Set the defaults for online tools students may use in the Student Portal. Selecting a tool means that all students will have access to the tool unless it is removed before activating students for online testing. Each tool may be assigned to specific students for accommodations once the students have been activated.
- Calculator - The three levels of calculators are Advanced, Basic or Scientific. Only one may be opened at a time. Tutorials on using each of the calculators can be viewed at
- Equation Editor - The Equation Editor is part of the CKEditor text box formatting tools. There are four levels of editors: Elementary (shown below), Algebra, Algebra with Trigonometry, and Advanced. Students can use the CKEditor to write the equation in the space provided and click OK to enter it into the text box for scoring.
- Answer Eliminator - Allows students to cross out incorrect answers.
- Color Contrast - Allows students to adjust background color or font color of the text.
- Dictionary & Picture Dictionary - Allows students to look up words during the test.
- Graph - A virtual graphing paper in which students can add points and form lines.
- Highlighter - Allows students to highlight text in a passage in yellow, pink, or blue.
- Line Reader - This is an adjustable, movable box (orange) that can help students track text more easily. The padlock icon on the right can be used to lock the reader in one place, so students can scroll through the text while using the line reader.
- Notes - Allows students to click on the talk bubble to make a note to themselves and/or the teacher. The note is moveable and resizable.
- Periodic Table - This is an interactive periodic table. Students can click on an element to enlarge it and see a more detailed view.
- Pop-Ups - Set in Online Markup, allows students to click on the underlined word or phrase in the text and a Pop-up box will appear with a synonym, definition or other support for that word or phrase.
- Protractor - A transparent protractor that can move over a question to measure angles in test items. The protractor can also rotate by clicking and dragging on the curved arrow in the circle.
- Rollovers - Set in Online Markup, allows students to view definitions or other supports for a word, phrase, or sentence. If Text to Speech has been enabled, students may have the Rollover read aloud by clicking on the blue play button.
- Ruler - A moveable ruler is transparent so students can move it over a question to measure lengths in inches or centimeters. The ruler can be rotated the by clicking and dragging on the curved arrow in the circle.
- Text to Speech - Text to Speech may be enabled in Online Markup to allow students to hear text be read aloud for the passage only, the questions and answers only, or the whole assessment
- Word Translate - Allows students to translate words by highlighting a word (not a phrase) in the text of the assessment to translate from English to Spanish. By clicking the speaker button on the right side of a translation, students can have words read aloud in Spanish.
- Zoom - Allows students to increase or decrease the font size of text.
Click Save when all selections have been made.
Report Properties
If not set and locked by the District, these properties may be set by individual users as desired. (Click on the “i” icon for a short description of each property.)
General Past Roster & Assessment Year Visibility - Configure the number of past Roster and Assessment years that non-teacher level users in the district can select to view in reports. The # of years available is also dependent on how many years of historical data are loaded in the application (Example: a value of "2" will list the current school year and up to the last two years as options if data is loaded for those past years).
- For teacher level users, this setting will only affect assessment visibility in reports.
- For teacher level users, this setting will only affect assessment visibility in reports.
Demographics Profile and Summary: Sets the colors for Proficient/Not Proficient. Click on the color box to show the color choices.
Item Analysis: Sets the STOP Item Correct Threshold and Item Distractor Threshold on the Item Analysis Report. (Note: STOP stands for Scrutinize These On Performance, and are the items in which any students’ percent correct is below the Item Correct Threshold.)
- Item Correct Threshold: This value is based on the average percent correct for a specific test item. STOP items are those in which the students’ average percent correct is below the set threshold and should be further scrutinized.
Item Distractor Threshold: This value is set as the percent of students who all choose the same incorrect answer. For example, when 30% of students all choose the same incorrect answer as displayed on the Item Analysis Report, the item will be flagged as a STOP item.
Standard Analysis:
Display Always by Default: Standard Analysis Graph: Presets the display of the Standards Analysis graph in the Standards Analysis Report. Slide No to Yes to show the chart in initial display. You can show or not show the graph when viewing the actual report.
Display Always by Default: Standard Analysis Graph: Presets the display of the Standards Analysis graph in the Standards Analysis Report. Slide No to Yes to show the chart in initial display. You can show or not show the graph when viewing the actual report.
Standards Progression:
Standards Progression Report Options: At least one must be selected - Latest Assessment, All Assessments, All Assessments & Average. These are the assessments in which you can see how students are performing on standards.
Standards Progression Report Options: At least one must be selected - Latest Assessment, All Assessments, All Assessments & Average. These are the assessments in which you can see how students are performing on standards.
Standard Analysis, Standards Progression, & Objective Analysis:
- Standards Mastery Percentage: Controls the Mastery/Non-Mastery levels on these reports, and which standards will appear as STOP standards. Also controls the Mastered/Not Mastered results in the Summary by Standards Report.
Color Scale: Check the box to add a color scale to the Mastery/Non-Mastery results on the Standards Analysis and Standards Progression Reports. Displays scores in the chosen color range from minimum value of 0% to midpoint value of 50% to maximum value of 100%, rather than the two-color option.
- Student History, Test Results & Objective Analysis - Toggle 'Yes' to display the percentile rank graph or chart in reports by default.
Test Results:
- Display Always by Default: Test Results Pie Chart: Presets the display of the Pie Chart in the Test Results Report. Slide No to Yes to show the chart in the initial display. You can show or not show the chart when viewing the actual report.
Click Save to save any changes made to Report Properties.

Scanning Properties

Sample Individual and Class Roster Answer Sheets with normal size bubbles

Sample Individual Student Answer Sheet with large size bubbles
If not set and locked by the District, these properties may be set by individual users as desired. (Click on) the "i" icon for a short description of each property.)
- Answer Sheet Template - Presets the type of answer sheet in assessment setup. Individual Student sheets must be printed for each student. Class Roster sheets include all students on one sheet; students bubble in the Y bubble next to their name and complete the test.
Bubble Size: Presets the size of bubbles on the selected answer sheet Normal or Large.
Click Save to save any changes made to Scanning Properties.
System Properties

System Properties: (Click on the "i" icon for a short description of each property.)
- Default School Year for Assessments: From the drop down menu, set the school year that should automatically display in assessment setup.
- Default School Year for Reports: From the drop down menu, set the school year that should automatically display in the report manager.
- Default Selection: Display Claims and Targets - If checked, Claims and Targets will display in assessment creation, in reports and in the Student Portal. If unchecked, claims and targets will be unchecked by default from all screens.
Click Save to save any changes made to System Properties.
Test Booklet PDF Properties

Test Booklet PDF Properties: If not set and locked by the District, these properties may be set by individual users as desired. (Click on the icon for a short description of each property.)
Additional Pages:
- Cover Page: Slide Yes to No if no cover page is needed.
- Add Blank Page at Beginning: Select the number of blank pages at the beginning of the test booklet, after the Cover Page (0-9).
Add Blank Page at End: Select the number of blank pages at the end of the test booklet (0-9).
Header/Footer options:
- Assessment Name: Select Header or Footer, and alignment.
Instruction Text in Footer: Select the text to display in the footer, aligned to the right in the booklet. Text can only be selected if there is no other footer option positioned with right alignment.
- Text to Display on Each Page: Select text to display on all pages except for the last page (None/GO ON/NEXT).
Text to Display on Last Page: Select text to display in the last page. Text can signify a stopping or ending point (STOP/END).
Page Number: Slide Yes to include page numbers or No to not include numbers.
- Header, Footer, Alignment: Note: Footer Alignment must be set to Center in order to include text instructions as described above.
Page # Only or Page # Range: Select the desired page numbering.
Passage Name Above Passage: Slide Yes to include Passage Name centered above the passage, or No to hide Passage Name.
Include Response Space after CR Items: Add extra space after Constructed Response items for students to write responses (15 lines max).
- Text Document Font Settings: Select the font type and size.
Click Save to save any changes made to Test Booklet PDF Properties.