Below is a list of common questions and answers about Professional Learning Communities (PLC) in SchoolCity.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are teams of educators who collaborate on a regular basis to share practices that improve both instruction and student learning outcomes. School districts are increasingly looking for ways to have teachers collaborate when authoring items and analyzing data via PLCs. SchoolCity now supports districts who want to establish PLCs to analyze data and share research-based classroom practices.
The PLC module is free!
PLC groups can be created in SchoolCity by district-level or school-level users from the PLC Staff Groups tab in Manage Groups. There must be at least one teacher-level user with rostered students in each PLC. Members of a PLC will be able to view data of students who are not rostered to them.
Staff users of a PLC can collaboratively create items, create assessments, score assessments, view reports and analyze data for all students that make up the PLC.