1. Multiple Forms/Versions
If you plan to administer the assessment on paper only, you may create multiple forms/versions for added security.
See pink warning. For Multiple Forms/Versions, all items must be Multiple Choice and have the same number of answer choices.

- Slide No to Yes.
- A message will appear informing you that students will not be able to take the test online. Click OK to continue setting up multiple forms/versions.

- Indicate the number of forms/versions you wish to create. Click on Update.
- New columns for Form A, B, C, etc. will appear. Reorder the items as desired.
When answer sheets are printed, each student will indicate which form of the assessment they have been given for the system to score each answer sheet correctly. Results in the Report Manager will show as a single assessment.
Test Results in the Report Manager and in the Student Portal will be displayed based on the "Master" Answer Key (Form A).