When creating an AKO assessment, the Setup screen is the last step to complete prior to publishing an assessment. This article covers the Setup features and options available.
The final step in creating the AKO assessment is to determine the administration details.
Administration Window - Depending on the district default, normally the assessment window is set from the current date for 30 days. You can manually change the dates by clicking on the calendar icon, then choosing the date range of your assessment. Click on Apply to save your date settings.
Method of Delivery - Scanning and GradeCam™ are paper/pencil methods using a scan-able answer sheet. Online assessments are administered through the Student Portal. More than one administration method may be selected, unless you are using multiple forms/versions.
Intended User - If you are administering the assessment online, you must indicate the intended user Student or Teacher. Student means that students will be completing the test online in the Student Portal. Teacher means that the teacher will enter the students’ answers on a Student Answer Sheet (online) after students take the test on paper. This is intended to be used by teachers whose students may have difficulty bubbling in the answer sheet themselves.
Online Preview - Click here to view the assessment as students will see it in the Student Portal.
Upload Student Assessment - If you want to administer the assessment with an online answer sheet, upload a PDF of the assessment here. Click on the closed folder, and a box will appear where you can drag and drop or select PDF files to upload. Once uploaded, the folder will appear as an open folder.
- Add Rubric(s) - Add Teacher and/or Student Rubrics to be displayed online. The Teacher Rubric will be available when Teachers access the Score Online feature. The Student Rubric will be available to the Students when they are taking the assessment in the Student Portal.
The Add Rubric(s) option will only be available when a Constructed Response (CR) item type is added to an AKO assessment.
- Enable Browser Lock Down - (for districts that have licensed Respondus LockDown Browser) Slide the toggle from (gray) No to (green) Yes to enable.
Online Settings - If you are administering the assessment with an online answer sheet, slide No to Yes to view the online settings.
Answer Sheet Template - If administering the assessment on paper using scan sheets, determine which answer sheet you will use individual or class roster. Click on the view icon (eye) to view each layout.
Bubble Size - Determine which size bubble you prefer for your answer sheet. Click on the view icon (eye) to view each size.
GradeCam sheets have only one bubble size.
Answer Sheet Printing Start Date - Determine the date when answer sheets can be printed before the Administration window start date.
Scoring End Date - Determine the ending date that Constructed Response items can be scored after the closing of the Administration window.
Online Settings:

Click on the icon to view a short description of this property.
Duration - If delivering online and you want the test to be timed, slide No to Yes, and determine how many hours/minutes you want to allow students to complete the assessment. Click inside the time boxes to select the desired duration.
Default Time Increment - The duration can be increased or decreased by a set number of minutes as needed during the testing session.
Time Window - Determine the beginning and ending times you want the assessment to be available to students.
Days Window - Determine which days the assessment will be available to students.
Properties - Select the properties you want for your assessment.
- 4 Digit PIN Verification - Pre-selects the requirement of a 4-digit PIN number for students to take an online assessment in the Student Portal.
- Auto Activation - Scheduled students will be automatically activated to take the assessments once it is published.
- Auto Reactivation - Once a test is activated, students will be able to re-enter an assessment during the administration window as long as the assessment has not been submitted for scoring. The following scenarios will allow the student to re-enter the assessment if auto-reactivation is enabled: student closes/refreshes the browser; the application times out; connection to the Internet was temporarily lost; student clicks the exit button.
- Display Item Details in Student Portal - Pre-selects display of item details in Student Portal when reviewing scores. This allows students to see the correct answer as well as their answer on all test items.
- Display Timer - Pre-selects the display of the timer (countdown clock) in the Student Portal
- Thermometer - Pre-selects the display of a thermometer that visually shows raw score, percent correct, and performance level (if applied during setup) immediately after the student submits an assessment for scoring in the Student Portal.

Online Tools - Check the box next to the tools you want students to use while taking the assessment in the Student Portal
- Calculator - The three levels of calculators are Advanced, Basic or Scientific. Only one may be opened at a time. Tutorials on using each of the calculators can be viewed at http://learn.desmos.com.
- Equation Editor - The Equation Editor is part of the CKEditor text box formatting tools. There are four levels of editors: Elementary, Algebra, Algebra with Trigonometry, and Advanced. Students can use the CKEditor to write the equation in the space provided and click OK to enter it into the text box for scoring.
- Media Upload - The three media types that Students are permitted to upload as a part of a Constructed Response and Writing Prompt item are Audio, Image and Video.
- Translation - The Translation setting permits the setting of approved languages and students may select the tool to redisplay the text while in the Student Portal in the approved languages.
The Translation Tool is only available when reading html text. It does not read text from PDF or other image files.

- Answer Eliminator - Allows students to cross out incorrect answers and select possible correct answers..
- Color Contrast - Allows students to adjust screen background or font color.
- Dictionary - Allows students to look up words during online testing.
- Geometry - Allows students to use Geometry tool during online testing.
- Graph - Virtual graphing paper in which students can add points and form lines.
- Highlighter - A tool to highlight text in various colors.
- Line Reader - This is a moveable, resizable frame to help students read without losing their place.
- Notes - Allows students to click on the talk bubble to make a note to themselves and/or the teacher. The note is moveable and resizable.
- Periodic Table - A tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.
- Picture Dictionary - Allows students to look up visuals during online testing.
- Pop-ups - Allows pop-ups setup in the Markup Panel to be viewed in online testing.
Pop-ups applies to Online Item Bank assessments only.
- Protractor - A protractor for measuring angles.
- Rollovers - Allows rollovers setup in the Markup Panel to be viewed in online testing.
Rollovers applies to Online Item Bank assessments only.
- Ruler - A ruler to measure length.
- Spell Check - Provides spell checking and word suggestion assistance for students when completing Constructed Response and Writing Prompt items during online testing.
- Text Magnifier - A tool to enlarge or shrink text.
- Text to Speech - A tool to read aloud to students in the Student Portal.
- Zoom - A tool to enlarge or shrink text and controls.

- Include Resources - Permits the user to add resources to the Test Booklet.
- Scoring End Date - Permits scoring through the posted date, permitting the Administration Window to be closed, restricting any additional administrations of the assessment.
- Personalized Review Assignment - Create reteaching assignments based on assessment standards.

- Previous, Save, Save & Close, Publish: If you need to go back to a previous step click on Previous. If you are done with your selections but are not exiting the system click on Save.
Select Publish when the assessment is ready to administer to students.
If you are not ready to deliver the assessment and plan to make further edits, select Save & Close. This option will allow you to make any necessary changes to the assessment. You may publish later from the Manage Assessments screen.
Teacher as Intended User:

If the Teacher will be administering the assessment on paper, and then entering the students answers on an online answer sheet, the setup does not include the online settings.
Click here to view the Help Article, Administer Assessments - Entering Answers on Student Answer Sheet.
- Select Online Answer Sheet.
- Select Teacher as Intended User.
- Upload Student Assessment, if desired.
- Scoring End Date: Determine the ending date that student answers can be entered after the closing of the Administration window.
Publish or Go to Advanced Settings:
When you publish your assessment, a message will appear asking if you are done or if you want to go to advanced settings. Advanced settings will offer you the opportunity to refine/revise your online settings, set flags and adjust the scheduling of students. If you want to skip this for now, click on No thank you, I’m Done. If you want to go to Advanced Settings, click on Yes, take me to Advanced Settings.

View Your Published Assessment:

- The new assessment will be listed in the Manage Assessments module under the tab in which it was created: My Assessments, School, District or PLC. Assessments that you have recently created or have been working on will be listed under the Recent tab.
- If the assessment has been published, its Status will show as a green and the Activity will indicate Published.
- To make any edits to a Published assessment, it must first be Unpublished. Click on the down arrow on the far right under Functions column, click Unpublish.

- A confirmation message will appear. Click OK, and then again in the second message.

- Click on the gear icon to return to Setup. Make revisions and publish again in the last step of the assessment creation process.