Updating items using Rescore will cause a change in the Report environment for the assessment. The Report Manager will display visual cues to indicate what item(s) have been updated and how the items(s) were changed using the Rescore feature.
Depending on the changes made through the Rescore feature and the amount of data stored for a given assessment, there may be a delay between the time the updates are saved and the reports reflect the changes.
The rescoring changes will display in the reports as follows:
Student Response Report

- Change color key.
- Point Value Changed: An item in which the point value has been increased or decreased (not zero) will display with blue highlighting.
- Rekeyed item: An item for which the correct answer has been changed will display with orange highlighting.
- Do Not Score: An item in which the point value has been changed to zero will display with gray highlighting. All student answers will appear as an omitted response.
Item Analysis Report

The items for which any rescoring has occurred will display with the same color coding as in the Student Response Report.
Summary Report

The items for which any rescoring has occurred will display with the same color coding as the other reports.