The Student History Report contains demographic information and historical data of state and local assessments for each student in a district. Depending on the district, this may include multiple years of results from state summative tests, English Learner assessments, as well as district, school, and classroom level assessments. A Standards Progression section displays student progress on all assessed standards and automatically updates as the student takes more assessments aligned to standards. The student's current class schedule is also included.
Where to Start

Use the Global Search box to go directly to a specific student's History report. Enter the student's last name, first name, or student ID number, then select Submit.
The default setting shows the Predefined Reports listed first. All other reports are listed in alphabetical order. (District Level User shown.)
- Select the Student History tab.
- By Student (default setting): Select the magnifying glass to generate a list of all students on the roster.
- By Class: Use this tab to search for the roster of students in a specific class. (See Step 4)
- Bulk Printing: Send a request to bulk print several Student History reports. (See Step 10)
- Use the Student Search box to find a specific student. Enter the student's ID number, last name, or first name, then select the magnifying glass icon.
- View a specific student's report by selecting the last name or first name. Or select the view icon (eye) on the far right to view the selected student's report and then scroll to the next student's report.
- Reorder any column by selecting the column header.
- Change Roster to select a roster from a different school year. Only School and District Level Users may view previous rosters in this report.

Search for a specific roster of students by class. The search functions vary depending on your User Level (Teacher, School, or District) as shown. Once you have selected the desired class, select a student's first or last name to view their report, or select the View (eye) icon to the far right of the student's name.
- Teacher Level User: Select a Grade, Course Group or Course, and Period, then select Refresh.
- School Level User: Select a Grade, Course Group or Course, Teacher, and Period, then select Refresh.
- District Level User: Select a Grade, Course Group or Course, School, Teacher, and Period, then select Refresh.
- Name: Student's last name, first name. If you have used the View icon (eye) to enter the Student History Report, you may select Previous to go to the previous student on the roster, or Next to go to the next student on the roster.
- Student Identification: Includes ID number, Date of Birth, School of Attendance, Current Grade, and Demographics - English Proficiency, Special Education, and Ethnicity.
- Show/Hide Demographics: Check the box to see Demographics, or uncheck to hide.
- Search Functions: Search for assessments by Grade Level, School Year, Subjects, Standards, and/or Date Range. The Date Range is automatically calculated based on available data for your search. Use the calendar icon to set a smaller date range, if desired. Select Refresh.
- Search Assessments: Use the dropdown to search for a specific assessment within All Assessments, Local Assessments, or State Assessments.
- Assessment tabs: View All Assessments (default setting), Local Assessments (See Step 6), State Assessments (See Step 7), Standards Progression (See Step 8), and Class Schedule (See Step 9).
- School year: By default, all assessment years are shown. Select the orange circle with a minus sign to close the year's information. Select the green circle with a plus sign to open.
- Assessment Info: Assessment Name, Subject, Test Date, Level Tested, Percent Correct (if applicable), Performance Level, Raw Score (if available), Scale Score (if available), and Hide in Exports option (temporarily hides the chosen assessment from being included in the Export download).
- Expand/Collapse assessment information: Select the green circle with a plus sign to expand the data, then select the orange circle with a minus sign to close.
- Exclude Standards in Exports: Hides standards when exporting report to PDF.
- Full Screen: View the report in full screen mode.
- Download icon: This report may be exported to PDF (portrait or landscape) or Excel, and then printed.
- Expand All/Collapse All: Select to open or close all years and all assessments.

Select the Local Assessments tab to view classroom, school, and/or district level assessments the student has taken during the current or prior school years.
- Item Bank, Answer Key Only, and Express assessments the student has taken will be listed under a teal header.
- Performance Based A+ Assessments the student has taken will be listed under a blue header, with results for all assessment objectives (sub-scores).
Select the STATE Assessments tab to view all state assessments the student has taken during the current or prior school years. [Note: Data from prior years may be imported at the request of the district.]
- Filter By: By default, all State Assessments will be selected for viewing. Select the assessment name you wish to view.
- The most recent year's results will be displayed first. Select the green circle with a plus sign to open previous years' results.
- Select each tab to view only the specific assessment as shown. Hover over each tab to view the assessment name.
Select the Standards Progression tab to view a report of the student's performance on all standards associated with the assessments in the Student History Report. The data will automatically update as the student takes more assessments aligned to standards.
- Show: Mastery/Non-Mastery or By Performance Levels: Data can be viewed by Mastery/Non-Mastery (default view) or By Performance Levels, as set in District Defaults.
- Color Scale (optional): Add a color scale to the Mastery/Non-Mastery view. This is set in the District Defaults, or in My Preferences. The color scale shows a range of scores between the minimum score of 0% and a maximum score of 100%. (See below)
- Data (optional): From the dropdown, select Highest % Achieved, Mastery Ratio, and/or Standard Average. A new column will be added to the report for each selection. Highest % Achieved, Mastery Ratio (number of items mastered based on the Mastery Value over the total number of items for that standard), and Standard Average. Show: Mastery/Non-Mastery with Color Scale: If not set and locked in the District Default Settings, the Color Scale can be set in My Preferences. Note how the Key changes to include a range of colors that can be used as filters. Please see the Help document, Basic Navigation: My Preferences, for more information. Show: By Performance Levels: The performance levels are set in District Default Settings by the District Administrator and may vary from what is shown. Use the Data dropdown menu to add a Standard Average column to the report. Use the Key as filters to view results for one performance level.
- Mastery Value: If not set and locked by the district, this value can be changed. Enter the new value and select Apply. Scores at or above the Mastery Value will be shown as Mastered.
- Key: Mastery/Non-Mastery/Standard Not Included: Each acts as a filter. Select Mastery to deselect it and view only Non-Mastery scores. Select Non-Mastery to deselect it and view only Mastery scores.
- ELA, Math, Science, or other content area standards: The list of standards aligned to all assessments the student has taken is displayed on the left, with the assessment names listed across the top. Open the standards by selecting the green circle with a plus sign. Close the standards by selecting the orange circle with a minus sign. Hover over the standard number to view the standard details.
- Download icon: Export to PDF or Excel.
- Feedback: Standard-specific feedback can be given by staff and/or students if enabled via District Defaults. (Please refer to District Defaults - Report Properties for further details).

PDF View: The PDF view displays the student's assessment results by standard.
Class Schedule: Select the Class Schedule tab to view the student's schedule for the current school year.
- Elementary students' Class Schedule generally shows only one teacher, depending on the district.
- Students who are assigned by course will have a schedule listed by period and section, along with the teachers' names.

Bulk Printing (District Level User shown): Instead of printing one report at a time, a bulk printing request may be made.
- Select Bulk Printing to send a print request for multiple reports.
- Step 1: Select the students to include by filtering Student Groups, Grades, Schools, and Teachers.
- Step 2: Select the assessments to include on each Student History Report by filtering by Assessment Type, Subject, and School Year. Refine the Test Date Range by checking the box and selecting the dates using the calendar icon. Exclude Standards if desired.
- Step 3 (optional): Include Demographics by selecting the desired demographics to include. [Note: Selections will vary depending on the district's Student Information System.]
- Step 4: Print by: Select how you would like the PDFs to be grouped. For example, if you select School, Teacher, Period, then the PDFs will be in alphabetical order by School; within each school, they will be in alphabetical order by teacher; for each teacher, they will be in order by period; for each period, the reports will be in alphabetical order by students' last names. Only one selection can be made.
- Select Send to Bulk Printing when all steps have been completed.
- A message will appear confirming the bulk print request. You are given the options to Take me to Bulk Printing or Exit. When you go to Bulk Printing, your request status will indicate Received, and the download icon will be gray.

- Manage Bulk Printing: Once your request has been processed, you can access the print jobs by selecting the three horizontal line icon found in the top right corner of the screen and selecting Manage Bulk Printing.
- Select the Student History tab.
- The request will show as In Process in the Status column and a gray download icon in the Functions column.
- When the file is ready to download, it will show as Completed in the Status column and with a green download icon in the Functions column. Select the green icon to download your file.
You may access a student's history report from a Predefined Report that displays data by student.
- Access Report Manager.
- By default, the Predefined Reports tab will be selected, as indicated by the orange color.
- Select Test Results. This report shows individual student results in alphabetical order. The Student History Report may also be accessed in the same way from the Student Response Report, Standards Analysis Report, Objectives Analysis Report, and Summary Report, when drilling down to view a class roster.
- Select a student's last or first name to go to the Student History Report for that student.
- Select Close to exit the Student History Report and return to the main report.