Many assessments within SchoolCity can be administered online to students through the Student Portal. Scheduled students must be activated, and their progress monitored by the Test Administrator. This document will review the entire process for activating students and monitoring an online assessment.

- From the Top Menu Bar, click on Assessments

- Use the filters to narrow down the search for the assessment.
- Year - The current or a previous school year may be selected.
- Collection - Select a specific Collection.
- Subject - ELA, Math, Science, etc.
- Standard Grade/Concept - Selecting by assigned grade level standards.
- Assessment Type - Item Bank, AKO, etc.
- Status - Published, In Progress, Unpublished, Closed.
- Tags - Filter by user defined tags that have been applied to assessments.
- Assessment Created By - limit the results to assessments created by specific author(s).
- Once filters are identified, select Refresh.
- In the Assessment Manager, find the assessment you want to administer, and select the bolded online icon (computer monitor).
The Online Administration icon will be bolded if Online was selected as a Method of Delivery in the Setup step of the assessment creation process, the assessment has been published, and students have been scheduled to take the assessment.

- Or, from the Launchpad, click on the ONLINE flip card.
- On the flipped side, select Schedule/Monitor,
- then select the assessment you want to administer.
The Online Administration "scheduling" component reflects the ability to make the assessments available for students in the Student Portal. To change/update the Scheduling of Students that are eligible to take the assessment, please see the Advanced Settings feature.