The Student Portal is the User Interface used by students to take online assessments. There are a variety of tools that may be available for an assessment. Available tools are determined by the Test Administrator and/or the Test Creator.
Select the toolbox icon to open and select any tools and calculators to use. Check the box(es) of the tools as desired. Uncheck a box to put the tool away. Then select Close. Tools will need to be selected again after moving to the next item.
Use virtual graph paper to add points and form lines.
Highlight text in a passage. A set of color buttons will pop up. Choose yellow, pink, or blue to create the highlight. To undo the highlighting, select the text again, and choose the broom icon.
Applying highlighting to any text may impact how the text-to-speech engine reads the text aloud, introducing slight pauses between differently annotated text.
Both teachers and students can view text that has been highlighted as an Online Markup.
This is an adjustable, movable box (orange) that can help track text more easily. Select the padlock icon on the right to lock the reader in one place, so the text can be scrolled through while using the line reader.
This is an interactive periodic table. Select an element to enlarge it and see a more detailed view. The periodic table is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements, ordered by their atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties.
The protractor is transparent so it can be moved over a question to measure angles. The protractor can be rotated by selecting the curved arrow in the circle and dragging.
The ruler is transparent so it can be moved over a question to measure lengths in inches or centimeters. The ruler can be rotated by selecting the curved arrow in the circle and dragging.
A tool to enlarge and shrink text.
The Color Contrast icon displays to the right of the Toolbox. This tool offers an array of different text and background color combinations for how text is presented on the screen. Select the desired color choice and select Close. The Color Contrast can be changed at any time during the test.
The Zoom icon displays to the right of the Color Contrast icon. The text font size can be increased or decreased by selecting the magnifying glass next to the smaller or bigger A. The middle A returns the text back to the original size. Select Close when the font size is correct.
The Full Screen icon displays to the right of the Zoom icon. Select the two arrow icon to close full screen view. Select the four arrow icon to open full screen view.
Some tools are specific to each item: Flag, Answer Eliminator, and Notes.
Select the Flag icon to flag an item for attention. The flag will turn green. Select again to remove the flag. The items filter menu at the upper left can be used to see only the items that have been flagged. When completing the test, a reminder will appear to address the flagged items for review before submitting the test for scoring.
Select the icon that looks like an X and checkmark combined. It will turn orange. Select answers to eliminate by selecting the x button. It will turn red and the answer will be crossed out. Select answers as potentially correct by selecting the Star. It will turn blue. Select the same answer again to remove the selections. Students can select their chosen answer at any time.
Marking answers as potentially correct is only available for Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, and Evidence-Based Selected Response items, and online answer sheets.
Both teachers and students can view answers that have been eliminated or marked as potentially correct as an Online Markup.
Select the pencil and paper icon to make a note to the teacher and/or for personal use. A panel will open on the right side of the screen. Once the note is entered, select the Save button. The trash icon will delete the note. The X icon will close the note without saving additional changes. The Cancel icon will close the editor without additional changes.
Both teachers and students can view student notes as an Online Markup.
Select text within an item or passage and select the comment button.
Once the comment is entered, select the Save button. The trash icon will delete the comment. The X icon will close the comment without saving additional changes. The Cancel icon will close the editor without additional changes.
Both teachers and students can view student comments as an Online Markup.
When responding to a Constructed Response or Writing Prompt item, and a word is underlined in red, right click on the word. The Spell Check tool will pop up. Select the correct spelling of the word to insert it into the text.
After enabling the Underline tool in the toolbox, select text within a passage, then select the Underline icon. Once underlining has been applied to text, it can be removed by selecting the underlined text, and then selecting the underline button again.
Students will not be able to underline any text entered via the equation editor.
Applying underlining to any text may impact how the text-to-speech engine reads the text aloud, introducing slight pauses between differently annotated text.
Both teachers and students can view text that has been underlined as an Online Markup.
If a Pop-up has been created for the text in the assessment, a word or phrase will be underlined. Select the underlined word or phrase, and a Pop-up box will appear with a synonym or definition for that word or phrase. Select on the x in the upper right corner to close the Pop-up.
If a Rollover has been created for text in the assessment, a word, phrase, or sentence will have an arrow in the right hand margin next to the Rollover. Select the arrow to see alternate phrasing or more information about the text. If Text to Speech has been enabled, the Rollover can be read aloud by selecting the blue play button. Select the orange arrow to close the Rollover.