Once assessment results have been uploaded, either by scanning, GradeCam™, online administration, or data importing, the data can be viewed in a variety of ways. One of the Predefined Reports is the Test Results Report. The Test Results Report displays student level overall performance data for the selected assessment. This report includes all available score values (Raw Score, Percent Correct, Performance Level), as well as demographic information such as English Learner, Special Education and Ethnicity.
Where to Start

- From the Grid, select Reports.

- The default setting shows the list of Predefined Reports under the orange tab. Click on Test Results in blue or on the view icon (eye) to the far right to go to the report. Note the descriptor statement for this report.

A new button to quickly access the Test Results of an assessment is available from the Functions area in Manage Assessments. This button will be available for all assessments that have student results available. This shortcut will not be available for users who do not have permission to view reports. Similarly, when an assessment is embargoed, a staff user will not be able access reports using this button.
View the Test Results Report
District Level user shown.
- Assessment Name and Summary Data
- Change Roster: Click on the down arrow to view a different roster.
- Change Assessment: Click on the down arrow to view results for a different assessment.
- Search Filters: Types of search filters depend on user role. Click Refresh to view results.
- Filter Students: Click here to view results for specific subgroups of students.
- PRA: Click here to view the PRA(s) assigned for this assessment, and the student results.
- Full Screen: Click here to view the report in full screen.
- Download icon: Export report to PDF, Excel, or CSV format.
- Results Table: Average Raw Score, Average % Correct, Number of Students Tested, and Performance Level Summary
- Interactive Charts: (Pie Chart displayed) Illustrates Performance Level data in the table. Hover over each section to view details. Click on Chart Settings, Chart Type, Edit Chart Labels, Chart Full Screen to view the test results with other charts.
- Create Group: Create a student group based on the results of the report.
- Show Demographics (optional): Uncheck the green box to hide demographics of EL, Special Ed, and Ethnicity.
- Show Pie Chart (optional): Check the box to view the chart; uncheck to hide.
- Averages: Check to show additional averages for the selected group of students. Compare to District, Site, Filtered Groups, etc. More information about averages in steps 18 &19.
- Show Proficient/Non Proficient or By Performance Level: Check the desired box to view; uncheck to hide.
- Student Search Box: To view results for a specific student, enter the student’s first or last name, then click on the magnifying glass icon.
- Student Results: ID #, Name, Grade, Raw Score, % Correct, Performance Level, and Demographics.
- District Average: The overall district, campus, or teacher average will be listed directly above student results specific to the role level.
- Filtered Students Average: Filtered Students Average will always appear directly under District Average. The Filtered Students Average will only show for PLC staff group members, if the blue filter bar drop filters are changed in any way, or if there is additional filtering of the students using the green filter bar. This can also be found in Student Response Report, Item Analysis Report, Objective Analysis Report, Standard Analysis, Summary Report, Question Groups Report, Standards Progression Report, and Custom Reports.
Select the Assessment Name to view an online preview of the assessment.
View Students by Each Performance Level

- Hover over a section of the pie chart to see the Performance Level name and summary data. Click on that section of the pie chart.
- In the table, notice that only that level has a check mark next to it.

- The students in the chosen performance level will be listed below. (You may also check the desired performance level in the table to view only those students below without using the pie chart.)
- Students are listed alphabetically by default, but the columns can be reordered by clicking on the column header. In the example below, students were ordered from lowest to highest by clicking once on the Raw Score header. Reorder students from highest to lowest by clicking on the header again.
Only one column can be reordered at one time.
As with all Reports, the Student Last Name and First Name are active links. Selecting either of these fields will take the user to the Student History Report for the selected Student. Please refer to the Help document, Reports: Student History Report, for more information.