Once assessment results have been uploaded, either by scanning, GradeCam™, or online administration, the data can be viewed in a variety of ways. One of the Predefined Reports is the Item Analysis Report. The Item Analysis Report displays summary data for each item on the selected assessment. It includes the Item Number, Item Type, Percent Correct, Correct Answer(s) and Incorrect/Partial Correct distribution. Users can view a Response Distribution Chart showing the students who selected each answer choice. The report includes links to Resources aligned to the standard(s) for each item.
- From the Grid, select Reports.
- The default setting shows the list of Predefined Reports under the orange tab.
- Click on the Item Analysis name in blue or on the view icon (eye) to the far right to go to the Item Analysis report.
Note the descriptor statement for this report.
- Assessment Name and Summary Data.
- Data Filter: Change Roster
- Data Filter: Change Assessment
- Search Filters: Types of search filters depend on User role. Click Refresh after making selections.
- Filter Students: View specific subgroups of students
- Full Screen: View the report in full screen.
- Views: All Items (default), STOP Items, CR Items
- Download icon: Export report to PDF, Excel, or CSV format.
Select the Assessment Name to view an online preview of the assessment.
- Chart Settings, Chart Type, Edit Chart Labels, Chart Full Screen.
- Rescore: Select the Rescore button if updates/changes are required to the items of the assessment.
- Show Chart: Check the box to show average time spent on each item and/or to show the chart.
- Averages: If additional averages are available, check the box to see all averages.
- Calculate Statistics: Admin and District level users may add item and test statistics (Please see the Help document, System Admin: Calculate Statistics for the Item Analysis Report, for more information).
- Search Box: Search for specific items and standards.
Student Results appear in the table:
- Item #
- Standard(s) -Hover over standard name and number to view full standard description
- Item Type - Hover over initials to see type
- Percent of students who chose the correct answer (blue bar)
- Correct Answer, Incorrect/Partial Answers- % of students who chose each incorrect answer. Correct Answers will display in Green text. Incorrect answers will display in red text.
- Points Possible
- Open Education Resources aligned to standard(s).
The percent correct for each question takes into account if students received partial credit on the question.
- Chart Settings: Click on the gear icon in the blue box to change the chart settings.
- Select a chart type as pictured. Column is the default chart for the report.
- View the new chart in the Chart Preview.
- Change the Display Options as desired show percent of students and/or numbers of students in the chart.
- Select a Printing Option.
- Click on Update Chart to save your selections.
- Click Return to Report to close the Chart Settings window.
- Chart Type: Click on the Chart Type icon to switch chart from Column (default setting) to StackedBar.
- Edit Chart Labels: Click on the Edit icon to change the Labels.
- Change the Chart Title, X and Y-Axis labels.
- Click Apply to view changes in the chart.
- Chart Full Screen: Click on the Full Screen icon to view the chart in full screen mode. Download the chart in four ways.
- Download the chart in four way, PDF, PNG, JPEG or SVG.
STOP means “Scrutinize These On Performance.”
- Click on the STOP tab to view the items with which students had the most difficulty.
- Item Correct Threshold: An item is a STOP item if this threshold was not met; i.e., too few students chose the correct answer, as shown by average % Correct. In this example, all items are STOP items because the % Correct value was less than the set threshold of 70%.
- Item Distractor Threshold: An item is a STOP item if this threshold was met; i.e., too many students chose the same incorrect answer, as shown by the Incorrect/Partial Answers percentages. In this example, the Item Distractor Threshold was set at 30%. (Think: “I want to know when ___% of my students all choose the same wrong answer so I can scrutinize this item further.”)
- My Preferences: District, School, and Teacher Level Users: If the STOP Item Percentages settings are unlocked in District Defaults, users can change the percentages in My Preferences. Click on the down arrow next to Role in the Top Menu Bar, and select My Preferences.
- Click on the Report Properties tab, then scroll down to find where the STOP Item Percentages can be set. Enter the desired values.
- Click on Save when finished.
Select the Item # (active link) and an Item Preview will display.
- In the Item Analysis Report, click on the open folder icon to view the PDF of the assessment. The PDF is movable in order to view the assessment results while the document is open.
- Close the PDF by clicking on the x in the upper right hand corner.
- Blue Bar Graph: Select an item and click on the blue bar graph in the % Correct column.
- A Response Distribution Report will be generated which may include up to three tabs: Item Summary, Item Preview, and Rationale (depending on assessment type and whether items have rationale available). The default view will show the correct answer and associated data, as shown.
- Item Summary includes an interactive pie chart showing the percent of students who chose each response, with a key explaining the colors and percentages to the right. Hover over any color in the pie chart to see the percentage (and rationale) as shown in the key.
- Click on a color in the graph to focus on that specific item response. Underneath the pie graph, the chart will show the number of students tested, the number of students who chose the Correct/Incorrect Response, and the Average % Correct/Incorrect.
- On the right hand side of the report, the list of students who answered the selected response will populate.
- Search for a specific student within an answer choice group.
- Create a Group: Select students to form a group for various purposes (See Step 10).
- Export to PDF, Excel, or CSV format.
- Item Preview: If the item is from an Item Bank, the second tab will be the Item Preview. It shows the item, answer choices, and correct answer.
- Item properties may be displayed on the right.
- Item Rationale: For those item bank items that offer a rationale, the third tab in the Response Distribution report is the Rationale. This helps to explain why the answer choices are correct or incorrect.
Student groups can be created for re-teaching and reassessing purposes.
- Select an answer group: Find the students who chose an incorrect answer by clicking on a color of the pie chart. Students in this answer group will be listed on the right.
- Select students: Check the box next to Student ID in the teal header bar to select all students, or check the box next to each student’s ID #.
- Click on Create Group.
- Add the students to a new group, or add students to an existing group. A message will appear to confirm this action.
- Click OK to continue.
Please see the Help documents, Groups: Creating Student Groups and Managing Groups, for more detailed information on Groups.
- On the Item Analysis report, click on the Resources icon (globe) to view Open Education Resources aligned to the tested standard(s).
- Click on the name of the resource in blue to view that resource. These resources can be used in a variety of ways for whole class, small group, or individual instruction.
- Click on the CR Items tab.
- Detail (default view)
- Item Preview: Click to view the item details.
- Rubric Score Summary table: Displays number and percent of students in each score category, including Not Graded students.
- Pie Chart and Rubric: Displays the data shown in the table.
- Create Group: A student group may be created from this report.
- Show: Select All Records, Demographics, Pie Chart
- Student results: Includes Points Awarded, Percent Correct, and Rubric Score.
- Download icon: Export to PDF, Excel, CSV
- Summary By School: Displays results for each school with students who submitted a test for scoring. Data includes Number tested, Average Points Awarded, Average % Correct, and number and percent of students in each score category. Click on any number in blue font to view individual student data.
- Summary By Grade: Displays results for each grade with students who submitted a test for scoring. Data includes Number tested, Average Points Awarded, Average % Correct, and number and percent of students in each score category. Click on any number in blue font to view individual student data.
- Summary By Teacher: Displays results for each teacher with students who submitted a test for scoring. Data includes Number tested, Average Points Awarded, Average % Correct, and number and percent of students in each score category. Click on any number in blue font to view individual student data.