This lesson explores the TXPRO Overview tab, reviewing the District/Campus and Year selector, the navigation bar, and the Overall Performance visualization, to provide a summary of the default TXPRO landing page.
Before You Begin
Required Permission: TXPRO Role Permissions
This lesson begins assuming users have role permissions to access TXPRO, and have already logged in. For help with TXPRO permissions, visit Enable TXPRO Role Permissions. For help with logging in, visit TXPRO Login.
TXPRO Landing Page

Upon logging into the TXPRO app, the default landing page features the navigation bar, the menu to select the desired District/Campus and Accountability Year, and an Overview visualization of the uploaded and configured data, displayed as donut charts for each of the Domains and the combined Overall Performance.
District/Campus Selector

The selector menu for District/Campus and Accountability Year appears on every TXPRO data tab, allowing users to view and compare data between different sites and years, dependent upon user viewing permissions. The TXPRO default page displays the current academic year.
- The District/Campus dropdown displays the sites that the user has data permissions to view, including the district site, if applicable.
- Users with access to only one school site will not have access to the District/Campus dropdown, and will only see the Accountability Year dropdown.
- The Accountability Year dropdown displays the available years to view data for.
Users can alter the District/Campus and Accountability Year selections while viewing different data visualizations to compare and contrast data across years and school sites.
Overall Performance
The Overview tab displays the Overall Performance visualization, featuring donut charts of each of the Domains, combined into the Overall Performance donut chart.
Based on the 2023 refresh, district domain ratings are calculated using a proportionality method. The campus weight determines how much a campus grade proportionally impacts the district rating. This methodology only considers campus enrollment counts for grades 3–12, excludes Not Rated and paired campuses, is applied to each domain, and includes campuses evaluated under alternative education accountability. This change has been reflected within the application so that districts can determine what contribution each campus made towards calculations for each domain.

The viewable data is dependent on the user's site and student permissions, and the active District/Campus and Accountability Year selections.
- The Overall Performance displays at the top of the Overview visualization with a rating, numeric score out of 100, and donut chart showing threshold level and color.
- The three Domains display underneath the Overall Performance, each also with a rating, numeric score out of 100, and donut chart showing threshold level and color. Select anywhere on any of the Domains to view further visualizations and data breakdowns of the Domain.
- Select How was the Overall score calculated? to view a breakdown of how the Overall Performance projected score was calculated from the Domain data.
- The last date and time that data was uploaded and scores were calculated, along with the number of included students, populates at the bottom of all of the data tabs. This helps indicate how recent or outdated the projected scores are.
How was the Overall score computed?
Selecting the option How was the Overall score computed? provides a breakdown of how the Domain data is used to provide the projected Overall Score. Available information includes the Calculation, Ratings, and Components.

The Calculation tab displays the Scaled Scores for each Domain, how those scores are chosen, what weight and points they are given, and how those add up to the Overall Score and Projected Rating.

The Ratings tab displays the Rating labels for the year, including color and rating name, and the Score Range that each rating corresponds to.

The Components tab displays a visualization of how the Domains are weighted to calculate the Overall Performance rating. The better of the Student Achievement or School Progress scores will count for 70% of the overall grade, and the Closing the Gaps score will count for 30%.
Next Steps
To start digging into the Domain data, take a look at Domain 1: Student Achievement. To begin uploading data, visit Data Upload.