Not able to find the answer to your questions in the help center? Use the information below to create a ticket for your product's support team with all of the needed information to get your questions or issues resolved as quickly as possible.
Best Practices
- Did you check the help center for answers? Select the product logo at the top left of this article to explore all articles for your product.
- Provide as much pertinent information as possible, including any pertinent time sensitive information like local/state reporting deadlines. This helps us properly prioritize the issue against other work in our queue.
- Be specific! What teacher? What student? What school site? Provide as many details as possible.
- Screenshots or screencasts are appreciated to best understand where you are at in the system.
- If you have multiple issues, please send a ticket for each unique problem. This ensures that communication is clear about the issue being looked into, and allows agents to easily submit a specific problem to the development team, if needed.
- If you have an existing ticket and want to check on the status, please do not send in an additional ticket. This ensures that your issue is being worked on by the same agent throughout the process, and ensures your ticket will be resolved as quickly as possible. If you have additional information to include on your ticket, please respond to the ticket already in progress.
Creating a New Ticket

Submit a request to create a new ticket with the support team. Fill out the form to provide information to our team.
- Enter your contact information, including your Name, Email address, and (optional) Phone number.
- Enter your District or School Name.
- Select the relevant Product Family.
- If your request concerns more than one Product Family, select the most relevant Product Family from the dropdown, and mention any other relevant Product Families within the Description.
- Select the Task or Product Area that best fits your request.
- Select whether your Login Method is manual, or through single sign-on.
- Provide a Specific User Example.
- The user example may be your own account, a teacher or administrator that experienced an issue, or a student or parent that reported an issue with their account.
- Including a specific user example helps the support team quickly navigate to the area in question, attempt to replicate any reported issues, and complete troubleshooting steps to complete requests efficiently.
- (Optional) If relevant to the request, include the Class Name.
- (Optional) If relevant to the request, include the Device being used.
- Including the specific device being used is often useful when students are experiencing issues with practice or testing, as students may be utilizing any of wide variety of devices, which may uniquely contribute to reported issues.
- (Optional) If relevant to the request, include the Browser being used.
- Including the specific browser being used can be helpful if an issue arises in one browser, but not another.
- Enter the Description of your request. The following information is helpful in troubleshooting an issue or answering questions:
- What is currently happening?
- What are you expecting to happen?
- Provide a step by step of your process to reach the place that is causing issues or prompting your question.
- Complete the CAPTCHA.
- Select Submit to create your ticket. You will receive an automated email confirmation with your case number. A support agent will review your request and respond, usually within 1-2 days, via a new email thread.
Next Steps
To learn more about what happens next with your submitted request, take a look at the Support Ticketing System article.