The Self-Service Data Upload tool allows districts to upload Assessment files directly into SchoolCity. Item level data is not supported at this time for this feature.
Before You Begin
Required Permission: Data Upload or Create/Edit permissions
Required Role: District Level Roles
- Consolidated Accountability File (CAF)
- STAAR 3-8
- STAAR Alt2 3-8
- CAASPP 2021-2022 (.CSV)
- AASA 2021-2022
Where to Start
- From the navigation down arrow, select Admin.
Data Upload can also be accessed by using the the Admin flipcard and selecting Data Upload.
- Select the Data Upload tab.
- Select Data File Template to open the Self Data Upload Template popup window, which provides links to the different supported file format documents.
- Select New Upload to begin uploading data.
Upload Assessment Data
- Use the dropdown to select which school year the data belongs to.
- Enter a description of the data file.
- Select Assessment from the Data Type dropdown menu.
- Select the Assessment Type from the dropdown menu.
- Select anywhere within the blue dashed box to select a file to upload.
- Select Submit Files for Processing to begin uploading the data.
Supported file types are .csv and .txt. The import does not support zip files.
Files that have been exported or modified from another program/system may not import successfully. To avoid file incompatibility, be sure to not open a vendor file before downloading and then uploading into SchoolCity.
Upload Status
- The status of an upload will be indicated on the Data Upload tab, under the Status column for that upload record.
- If applicable, any exceptions/rejections can be viewed by selecting on the View button for that record, under the Functions column.
Once a file is successfully uploaded, the assessment is initially embargoed so that only the Admin role is able to view the assessment. To learn how to lift the embargo, take a look at Embargo Assessment Results.
Re-uploading an updated file for a test that was loaded previously will not reapply the embargo, and new scores and existing scores will be updated if there are changes in the file.
Additionally, after data is uploaded, a log will note the number of mismatched records; however, it does not explicitly state the records that are issued.
Data will not appear in item level reports.
If any records need to be removed, please reach out to SchoolCity Support.