Staff members who log in directly to the SchoolCity application can request a password reset be sent to the account email address on file. This article will cover the steps to reset your password.
Where to Start

- Navigate to the SchoolCity login page via the unique URL established for your district. The custom web address typically uses your district domain (e.g., Select the Forgot Password? link directly below the Login screen Password field.
- In the Forgot Password dialog box, enter your Username and Email address.
- Click Submit. A temporary password will be emailed to you.

4. A Forgot Password Confirmation message then displays. Check your email for a message from SchoolCity with a randomly selected, temporary password. Click Close to exit.
If you do not receive a password reset email, check your Spam or Bulk Mail folders. It's possible  that the email we tried to send you was caught by a spam or bulk mail  filter in your email system. Look for an email from Illuminate with the  subject line "_______________." If you don't find the email in  these folders, add to your address book, and request another password reset email.

If your district uses Active Directory to authenticate user accounts and you click the Forgot Password? link, you will be instructed to enter the Username and Password that you use to log in to your school or district computer.
Active Directory account usernames and passwords are validated with your district's local directory server. If you continue to encounter trouble accessing your account, please contact your District Network / Active Directory Administrator.
If the Forgot Password feature does not work (i.e an email is not recieved), users may contact their District Admin to request their password be Reset. Resetting the password would allow for a temporary password to be assigned until a new one is created.
Next Steps
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