This article is a brief overview of logging in to the SchoolCity application that focuses primarily on the direct password login process.
There are three methods of authentication for user accounts.
Direct / Password - A user navigates to the SchoolCity login page via the unique URL for their district, enters their User Name and Password and clicks the Sign In button.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) - Is an open protocol used to store and retrieve data from a hierarchical district network directory. A user's LDAP username and password is validated through their local district network server.
Single Sign-On (SSO) - Another method available for Staff and Students. SSO occurs when a user logs in to one application and is then signed in to other applications automatically, regardless of the platform, technology, or domain the user is using. Currently, we integrate with the following providers.
- Aeries (STAFF ONLY) - Users are authenticated using SchoolCity SSO service. User logs in to   Aeries and clicks on SchoolCity link.
- Classlink (STAFF & STUDENTS) - The users are authenticated using oAuth method with Classlink. User logs in to Classlink and clicks on SchoolCity app.
- Clever (STAFF & STUDENTS) - The users are authenticated using oAuth method with Clever. User logs in to Clever and clicks on SchoolCity app.
- Google (STAFF & STUDENTS) - The users are authenticated using oAuth method with Google. User clicks on Sign in with Google button in SchoolCity login page.
- Navigate to the SchoolCity login page via the unique URL established for your district. The custom web address typically uses your district domain (see example below).
Please ensure you are at your district's SchoolCity staff login page.  Two unique URLs are created for each SchoolCity district --one for staff members, and one for students. For example:
Staff URL -
Student Portal URL -
- Enter User Name and Password and select the Sign In button.
You should receive your User Name and Password information from your District SchoolCity administrator.

- Immediately after logging in with a temporary password, a Change Password dialog box opens, prompting the user to update their password. Your Username should be autofilled.
- Enter your temporary password in the Current Password field.
- Enter your custom password (at minimum of 6 characters) in the New Password field and verify it by typing again the Retype Password cell. Click the green Change button.
Incorrect Portal - Students Students will be alerted with a message directing them to the Student Portal when they attempt to log into the Admin Portal with student login credentials. Similarly, when staff users attempt to log into the Student Portal with staff login credentials, they will directed to the Admin Portal.
Invalid Username or Password - If username or password are incorrect, verify credentials with the district or select Forgot Password.
Bad Login - Related to Clever SSO and Classlink SSO. Typically, this message is a result of an ID mismatch affecting students or if there is no existing account/incorrect email.
Next Steps
Click here to learn more about how to customize your SchoolCity Launchpad landing page.