Admin Level Users may initiate Item and Test Security to in effect “lock” other users from viewing data associated with a district-level assessment. This Permission may also be granted to any user role level (i.e., District, School, Teacher)
When Item and Test Security is enabled for a district-level assessment, the following statements are true for all School and Teacher level users:
- The Assessment Online Preview function is disabled.
- The Assessment Summary PDF document is not viewable.
- Test Booklet PDF document is not viewable.
- Student Response Report, Feedback Cards, Item Analysis Report results are not viewable.

- From the Top Menu Bar Grid icon, click the Assessments tile.
- Or, from the Launchpad, click the Assessments flip card to reveal the reverse side available options. Select Manage Assessments.

- In the Manage Assessments screen, locate the target assessment and select Add Item and Test Security (the unlocked padlock button) under the Functions column.

- A message will appear with details about adding security. Click OK or Cancel.

- A confirmation message will appear. Click OK to continue.
- Once Item and Test Security is in place, the padlock icon will appear closed.

Item and Test Security can be disengaged at any time by clicking on the closed padlock icon. In the message box, click OK to continue or Cancel.
- A confirmation message will appear. Click OK to continue.