Admin level users by default have the ability to “Embargo” an assessment. Other User Roles can also be granted the permission to Embargo-All and/or Embargo-Students Only.
This article will provide an overview of the Embargo feature.
Embargoing an assessment prevents other staff users and/or students from viewing results for the selected assessment(s). Users with the ability to Embargo will always be exempt from an Embargo, and will always be able to see test results.
Embargo Staff Users

1. From the Top Menu Bar Grid icon, click the Assessments tile.
- Or, from the Launchpad, click the Assessments flip card to reveal the reverse side available options. Select Manage Assessments.
2. Once in Manage Assessments, find the target Published, In Progress, or Closed status assessment and select the down arrow icon button, under the Functions column.
3. Select Embargo-All or Embargo-Students Only. Embargo-All prevents all users from viewing the assessment results (unless they are exempt from the Embargo). Embargo-Students Only prevents students from reviewing scores for this assessment in the Student Portal, but appropriate staff users will be able to view results in Reports.

4. If two or more assessments must be embargoed, click the checkbox to the left of each assessment name, and then click the Embargo-All icon (circle with slash) or Embargo-Students Only icon (circle with a slash and an S) above the Functions column.

5. Determine the beginning and ending dates of the Embargo by clicking on the calendar icons, or select Embargo Forever.
- Click Apply
- A message will display, confirming this action. Click OK to continue.

6. You can select which Roles or Users should be exempt from the Embargo.
- On the Embargo Results screen, note that the Embargo Begin and Embargo End dates show as previously selected. Dates can be reselected here, if necessary.
- To exempt all users in a specific Role, select the By Roles tab, and uncheck that Role.
- To exempt specific users with any Role, select the By Users tab, and use the search functions to find the specific user(s). Uncheck the box next to each user’s name to exempt them.
- Click Save to save your work and continue, Save & Close to exit the system, or Cancel.
Embargo Students

1. Embargo-Students Only
- Determine the beginning and ending dates for the Embargo by clicking on the calendar icons, or select Embargo Forever.
- Click Apply
- A message will appear confirming this action. Click OK to continue.

2. View the Assessment in the Manage Assessments module:
- The embargoed assessment will have a red circle with a slash next to its name.
- Hover over the embargo icon to view if the embargo is only for students or for all users.
Lift The Embargo

1. Lift the Embargo: The embargo may be lifted at any time.
- In the Manage Assessments module, locate the embargoed assessment and click the Functions menu down arrow. Select Embargo-All or Embargo-Students Only.
- Once on the Embargo Results screen, click the Lift Embargo button

2. Permission for Embargo-All and Embargo-Students Only (Admin Level Users):
- From the ADMIN Flip Card, select Roles.

3. Select the drop down arrow to the right of District under Functions, and click Edit.

4. In the Assessments tab, permissions for Embargo-All and Embargo-Students Only can be granted for Item Bank Assessments, Other Assessments, Collections, Imported Assessments, as well as for various Premade Assessments.
- In addition, the permission may be set for None (cannot embargo any district assessment), My (can only embargo the user’s created district assessments), or All (can embargo all district assessments).
Please see the article, Default Permissions for District, School, Teacher Users, for more information.