Users with permission may rescore In Progress and Closed status assessments in SchoolCity. The type of rescoring that can be updated includes the following:
- Change the point value of an item
- Change the correct answer or “rekey” items
- Add/revise standards
- Add/revise performance levels
Immediately after Rescoring is initiated, new reports can be generated, replacing the data in the original set of reports. This article will cover how to grant the Rescoring permission for District, School, and Teacher Level Users.
Please see the Help document, Manage Assessments: Rescoring Assessments for more information.
Where to Start
District SchoolCity Admin level users can give other users the ability to rescore assessments.

1. From the Top Menu Bar Grid icon, click the Admin tile.
- Or, from the Launchpad, click the ADMIN flip card to reveal the reverse side available options. Select Roles.

2. To the far right of the selected Role, click down facing arrow, then Edit in the drop down menu.

3. District Role: The Create/Edit permission determines a user’s ability to rescore assessments. The rescore permission may be limited by selecting “My” or “All”. “My” means the user can rescore only the assessments he/she creates, while “All” means the user can rescore all assessments at the District level. “None” means the user does not have the Create/Edit permission for assessments.
Note: Item Bank Assessment permissions are separate from permissions for Other Assessments, such as Answer Key Only, Express, Exam View, and A+ Performance Based.

- School Role: The Create/Edit permission may be granted for School level assessments and/or District level assessments as shown. Use the drop down to select None, My, or All for each type of assessment.

- Teacher Role: The Create/Edit permission may be granted for Teacher, School, and/or District level assessments as shown. Use the drop down to select None, My, or All for each type of assessment.

- After making any changes for a Role, click Save at the bottom of the page. Then click OK in the confirmation message.