District administrators (Admin Role) have the ability to create Accommodation Profile templates to be used when enabling required accommodation profiles to students for online testing purposes. In addition, Admin users may assign the role of Template Manager (with permission to View, Create/Edit, Copy, and/or Delete templates) to any other user in the district.
Where to Start

- From the top navigation down arrow, select the Admin tile.
Templates - Accommodations

- From the Templates Tab, select Accommodations > Create New Template.
- Preview an existing template by selecting the template name.
- Select the down arrow under Functions to Edit, Rename, or see its History.
- To make a copy of a template, select the open box to the left of the template name, then select Copy (two pages icon) in the upper right corner.
- Delete a template by checking the open box next to the template name and selecting the Delete icon (trashcan). You may not delete a template that another user has created without permission to do so.
Edit a Template

- Select the down arrow under Functions, and select Edit.
The Accommodations Template screen will provide the same options and features that can be set up during the Create Assessment process for the Online Settings. For a complete explanation of these features and settings, please see the article Online Settings.

- The Template Name may be changed.
- The displayed information includes the assessment Properties.
- Online Tools.
- Make appropriate updates to enable and/or disable properties and tools for the specific template. Select Save when completed.
Rename a Template

- Select the down arrow under Functions and select Rename.

- Rename the Template as desired, then select Save.
- A message will appear confirming this action. Select OK to continue.
View History

- Select the down arrow under Functions, and select History.

- Note the Activity Date, Activity, and User Full Name.
Copy a Template

- Select the template you want to copy by checking the open box next to the template name.
- Select the Copy icon (double pages).

- Name the template copy, then select Save.
- A message will appear confirming this action. Select OK to continue.
Create New Template

- Select Create New Template.

- Type a Template Name.
- Enable/Disable Properties and Online Tools for the template.

- After enabling/disabling selections, select Save.
- A confirmation of the saved template will be provided.
Assigning an Accommodation Profile
Districts may create multiple templates covering specific requirements. For example, different Templates by Subject (ELA, Math, Science, etc.), Grade levels or Special Education needs can be customized and applied to those specific students. Multiple Accommodation Profiles may be enabled, by Subject, for each student and will carry over from year to year.
Users with the appropriate Data View permission may create/edit or assign templates for Accommodation Profiles in the following areas of the application:
Manage Assessments > Online Administration - To apply to an individual student, click the Functions column "Aa" button to the right of the student's name. To bulk assign an Accommodation Profile template or manually update accommodations, choose multiple students by clicking the checkbox to the left of each row and selecting Update Accommodations.
Reports > Class Roster - To apply to an individual student, click the Functions column "Aa" button to the right of the student's name and select the desired subject profile, then click Create or Edit to update that profile. To bulk assign an Accommodation Profile template, choose multiple students by clicking the checkbox to the left of each row and selecting Update Accommodations.
- Reports > Student History - Click the Accommodations tab and navigate to the desired subject profile. Select Create or Edit > Load from Available Templates to select an Accommodation template to apply. Or, select Create or Edit to manually update the accommodation settings.
Districts can notify their SchoolCity CSM (Customer Success Manager) to request additional Writing and Science Accommodation Profile tabs be added to the current content areas.
TestHound Integration
TestHound is a web-based application which some districts use to set up and store accommodations for their students. Districts in Texas that use TestHound can enable imports of student accommodations from TestHound into SchoolCity accommodation profiles. The accommodation profile settings can be changed in the TestHound system once the data import feed is in place and will be updated in SchoolCity on a nightly basis.
Students will have their TestHound accommodations loaded into the respective SchoolCity accommodations profile (see mapping below).

While TestHound accommodations data feed is enabled, the respective SchoolCity accommodation profile will be disabled from changes in the application for students that have TestHound accommodations for a mapped subject. A message will display on the affected profiles to notify users.