District administrators assigned the Admin role have the ability to determine District Defaults for the individual modules across the application.
These settings can be locked so other users cannot change them, or left unlocked to give users the flexibility to adjust permissions under their user account as they deem appropriate. All default settings appear for each user in My Preferences, located under the user’s name and role in the blue User Menu Bar.
This article covers the permission settings found in the District Defaults for Online Properties.
Where to Start

- From the Top Menu dropdown arrow icon, select the Admin tile.
- Or, from the Launchpad, select the Admin flip card to reveal the reverse side available options. Select District Defaults.

2. Select the sub-menu tab Online Properties
Select the i icon for a short description of each property. Selecting a property applies it to all students unless it is removed before activating students for online testing. These properties can also be assigned to specific students after they have been activated for online testing via Student Accommodations.
Users cannot change this property: There are two ways to lock these properties; the open box to the left of each property name, and the padlock to the right of each.
- When the box is checked, no user below Admin can change the default setting.
- When the box is unchecked, but the padlock is closed, then the setting can be changed only by users who have create/edit permission for the assessment being created. (For example, users with create/edit permission for District Level Assessments will be able to change a padlocked default setting for that level assessment.)
- Both the box and the padlock may remain open to allow users to change the default settings at any time.

- Enter Reason for Online Administration Activity: Toggle Yes to require staff users to enter a reason before proceeding with activating, pausing, stopping, resuming, submitting, or deleting scores for students in the Online Administration screen. Reasons can be viewed in the Online Administration screen > Student Online Admin History.
- Duration: Select the time duration of an assessment in hours and minutes. Slide the Yes to No to allow an assessment to remain untimed. If yes, select inside each box to increase or decrease the desired default time.
- Default Time Increment: If a Duration is set, select the amount of time that can be added while the assessment is in process.
- Time Window: Select the Start and End times of the day an online assessment is available to students in the Student Portal. Select the clock to increase or decrease time.
- Days Window: Select the days of the week an online assessment is available to students in the Student Portal. Check the box next to each day to select it.

Select the properties of an online assessment. Select All, or check the box next to each to select individually. A checked green box means that property is ON, an open box means that property is turned OFF.
- 4 Digit PIN Verification: Requires students to enter a 4 Digit PIN to start taking an online assessment in the Student Portal.
Auto Activation: Scheduled students will be automatically activated once the assessment is published and the assessment window is open.
Auto Reactivation: Once a test is activated, students will be able to re-enter an assessment during the administration window as long as the assessment has not been submitted. The following scenarios will allow the student to re-enter the assessment if auto-reactivation is enabled: student closes/refreshes the browser; the application times out; connection to the Internet was temporarily lost; student selects the exit button.
For assessments that are set up with Auto Activation, a nightly process will activate all students who are in "Inactive" status. This process will follow the guidelines below:
- It will only consider assessments that have been set up with Auto Activation and have been published.
- It will only consider assessments whose administration window is not closed.
- It will run through all levels of assessments: District, Network, School, and Teacher, and for all assessments authored by all users.
- It will run through all eligible assessment types: AKO, Exam View, Express, and Item Bank.
- It will only run on assessments in the current school year.
- It will activate only students who were just added to the rosters and who are in the "Inactive" status. Students who may have been activated by the Auto Activation process but their status was manually changed to Inactive status by a user will not be activated again by this process.
The status of the students who are in Incomplete, In Process, Exited, Completed, etc. status will not be touched by this process.
Only assessments that have the Auto Reactivation setting turned on will be touched by this process, as we do not want to risk activating students on high-stakes assessments that are typically activated by teachers when all students are in class.
Teachers are able to see the students who were activated by a system process from the Online Admin History for the student.
Display Item Details in Student Portal: Show item details in the Student Portal Review Score screen for an assessment after the student has submitted their assessment.
- Display Correct Answers in Student Portal: Correct Answers will display for incorrectly answered items after the student has submitted their assessment.
- Show Rationale for Incorrect Items: Rationale will display for incorrect items after the student has submitted their assessment.
- Show Standards: Item Standards will display after the student has submitted their assessment.
- Group Items by Standard: Items will be grouped and displayed by standard.
- Display Item Hint to Students in Student Portal: Upon completion of a test, all (multiple choice) items for which the student has answered incorrectly will be tagged for a second attempt. During the second attempt, a hint for each incorrect item will display, and the initial incorrect response will not be available. The hint feature is only available for items created in the Work Space.
- Display Timer: Displays a timer (countdown clock) in the Student Portal.
Randomize Answer Choices: Randomizes the answer choices within an item for an online assessment.
Randomize Items: Randomizes the order of items on an online assessment. - Thermometer: Upon submitting an online test for scoring in the Student Portal, a visual representation of the total score will be displayed in the shape of a thermometer. Color can be selected.
- Enable Lockdown Browser (additional fee feature): Preselects activation of lockdown browser testing environment in the Student Portal.

Set the defaults for online tools students may use in the Student Portal. Selecting a tool means that all students will have access to the tool unless it is removed before activating students for online testing. Each tool may be assigned to specific students after they are activated for online testing.
- Desmos Calculator: Three levels of Desmos calculators are available, including Basic, Graphing, and Scientific. Only one may be opened at a time. Tutorials on using each of the calculators can be viewed at http://learn.desmos.com.
- TI Calculator: Three levels of TI calculators are available, including Basic, Graphing, and Calculator.
- Equation Editor: Only one equation editor can be selected. Options include Elementary (basic operations), Algebra (basic operations plus algebra functions), Algebra with Trigonometry (functions and symbols for algebra, trigonometry, and geometry), or Advanced (all functions and symbols for calculus and other advanced math classes).
- Media Upload: Permits students to upload media files (audio, image, video) when completing Constructed Response and Writing Prompt items during online testing.
Assessment Source Language: Specify the source language of the assessment text (items, passages, selected words). When the Full Assessment Translation or Translate Selection tools are used, the text will be translated from this source language to a selected target language.
Edit Language Selection: Select the target languages that students can choose from when using Full Assessment Translation or Translate Selection. Assessment text (controls, items, passages, selected words) will be translated from the assessment source language to one of these selected target languages.
Translate Selection: Allows students to select single or multiple words to translate from the assessment source language to a selected target language.
Full Assessment Translation: Allows students to view entire assessment, including controls, items, and passages, translated from the assessment source language to a selected target language. When this is enabled, the assessment will initially be translated from the assessment source language to the language set as "default" in the Edit Language Section.

Answer Eliminator: Allows students to cross out incorrect answers and select possible correct answers.
Closed Captioning: Enables the use of subtitles that transcribe or translate the dialog and other additional or interpretive information for videos that have closed captioning available.
Color Contrast: Allows students to adjust background color or font color of the text.
English Dictionary: Monolingual English word dictionary tool for students to look up words during online testing.
Graph: A virtual graphing paper in which students can add points and form lines. -
Highlighter: Allows students to highlight text in three colors: yellow, pink, blue.
Line Reader: A moveable, resizable frame to help track text while reading.
Notes: A sticky note tool for students to write notes.
Periodic Table: An interactive periodic table. Students can select an element to enlarge it and see a more detailed view. -
Picture Dictionary: Picture dictionary tool for students to look up visuals during the administration of an online assessment.
Pop-Ups: Set in Online Markup, allows students to view definitions or other supports, as determined by the assessment creator.
Protractor: A moveable protractor to measure angles in test items.
Rollovers: Set in Online Markup, allows students to view definitions or other supports, as determined by the assessment creator. -
Ruler: A moveable ruler in inches or centimeters to measure length in test items.
Spanish Dictionary: Monolingual Spanish word dictionary tool for students to look up words during online testing.
Spell Check: Provides spell checking and word suggestion assistance for students when completing Constructed Response and Writing Prompt items during online testing.
Text Magnifier: A tool to enlarge or shrink text. -
Text to Speech: Set in Online Markup, allows students to hear text read aloud.
Underline: Allows students to underline text within an item or passage.
Writing Checklists: A checklist for Constructed Response and Writing Prompt items that allows students to mark objectives as complete for expository writing or persuasive writing.
Zoom: Allows students to increase or decrease the font size of text. - Select Save to save any changes made to Online Properties. A message will appear confirming this action.

- Select Update District Defaults & My Preferences to save, or select Cancel to discard the changes.